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Pruitt Status Megathread

Pruitt Status Megathread
We need one. There's way too much flying around right now. I'll try to update this throughout the day.
A wild Pruitt in his natural habitat.
Most Prominent Quote:

Phillip Fulmer (Tennessee AD & Championship Coach)

Re: Liberty Bowl - “It’s a tremendous development opportunity for our team and should serve as a primer to spring practice for Coach Pruitt and our returners.”
Irrelevant Yet Relevant:

Jeremy Faison (Tennessee Congressman)

"Speaking as a #VFL not as a legislator, Rocky Top will always be home sweet home to me but, every home needs a good spring cleaning. In this case, a good winter cleaning will suffice. #chooseJoy"
Noteworthy Voices:

Jimmy Hyams (SportsRadioWMNL)

"Investigation started late November or early December. Appears to be “serious” allegations that will look bad." (paraphrased)
"I don't know enough about the specifics to say whether that would happen, but can't rule it out as a hypothetical." (paraphrased)
"Liberty Bowl would “love” to have Tennessee. Assuming they don’t self-ban."

Jason Swain (Former Vol / Media Personality)

"Found out about the investigation on Tuesday..... until then, I would have bet money that Jeremy would be kept.... I also heard lots of staff bickering and infighting...... Should know more tomorrow but the odds have certainly flipped the other way..... BTW all this investigation **** started December 10-11"

Bob (247 Sports)

“He’s done. I see no way he returns at this point. Feeling around the complex is very gloom. Nothing official obviously but with several important people in town this weekend and the compliance issues being released right before kickoff, it’s not looking good for Pruitt.”
“Hearing Peyton Manning is a major player here along with Randy Boyd. There’s a reason Peyton has been at the last two home games.”
Re: Violations - “I’m told it’s damning for Pruitt and staff. The feeling is that the NCAA takes it easier on programs when that coach is removed. History has shown that.”
Re: Freeze - “Too early to really say for sure. I’m trying to figure out who is going to be running this search. He’s got to be officially fired first but those conversations are going on as we type”
Re: Fired With Cause - “It’s being looked into. I could see a settlement maybe but no way either side walks away with full pockets.”

Brent Hubbs (Volquest):

“He's obviously in trouble when you take in the loss, and the investigation. Lots of conversations going people of note. Fulmer has not wanted to make a change. But I think this is above him.”
"Investigation is on going. I don't think it gets wrapped up that quickly. You have Christmas next week and University closed for the holidays. They will work through the current player stuff quickly to clarify their status for the bowl game one way or the other."
"I think he's in trouble. I've had some tell me they think he will survive it. Some say no way he does. Some say they will get him for cause some say they can't. Some say they don't have the money. Some say money is not an issue."
Re: Replacements - "Someone who wins. I know that sounds contrite and no crap, but honestly, I'm at the point just bring a guy in who can win. I don't care what his offensive philosophy or defensive philosophy is. What coaching tree he's from or whatever. Just someone who can win. If there's a chance, I'm sure Billy Napier, Jamie Chadwell will be on the list. I think it will be a guy with head coaching experience. With an investigation on going can you bring Freeze in given he left Ole Miss on probation? I don't know. The other factor is who is making the decision. Is Fulmer making the hire? Is it a committee with a guy like Peyton heavily involved. I'm not sure how that would work if there is an opening. I like James Franklin. He makes 5.4 or 5.5 million a year at Penn State and his buyout is 5 million. Pretty expensive. What about his predecessor Bill O'Brien, he's unemployed. Does he want in the college game or is he trying to get another NFL job? Then there's Gus Malzahn."

Josh Pate (247 Sports):

"Things seem to be moving behind the scenes at Tennessee. Keep an eye on Knoxville."

Austin Price (Rivals/Volquest):

"Having talked to people today, it’s been going on since November with interviews trying to figure out what is real or not."
“Several BIGTIME donors in town this weekend tells me the smoke is pretty real. I think JP has a good relationship with Charlie Anderson but not sure how well he has bonded with others. This internal deal is rough timing for JP imo.”

Larry (LoserWithSocks/Volquest):

"I think the people wishing for a new coach are about to get their Christmas wish.. Don't know on Gray.. Sure seems like there are some shenanigans that went on.. Hopefully, we caught it, we react to it the right way and get off without program impact."
The Rest:

Tim Owens (6News Knoxville):

(source): "The whole #SEC knew they have been cheating... I have some crazy stories on how they would hand out cash... At the very least some coaches will be fired with cause."
"We’ve all been thinking it since he didn’t play today but a source close to the program just told me Eric Gray was receiving improper benefits"

Trey Wallace (FoxSportsKnox):

"Tennessee could fire Pruitt on Monday"
"Tee Martin and Jay Graham were not mentioned during his calls with his sources, were out today for Covid." (paraphrased)
"Niedermeyer is the main focus of the investigation. Pretty damning and blatant things that will come out in the next few days. Compliance was interviewing players yesterday, and seizing things out of coaches offices." (paraphrased)
"Gray and Maurer's absences were related to the investigation." (paraphrased)
"The allegations are very blatant and damning, really dumb for us to think we could get away with it." (paraphrased)

JohnBrice (Footballscoop.com):

"My guess is that they wait a few days to fire him due to his recent family loss." (paraphrased)

Tony Basillo (99.7FM & 1040AM Knoxville):

"I just got a call and the staff thinks they are done, and were in the room saying their goodbyes." (paraphrased)
"There was a little incident 6 weeks ago they've been digging into. He said they've been trying to figure out how to get him with cause." (paraphrased) ***Note: This came across as complete conjecture.***
"The NCAA violations essentially kill the prospects of bringing in Freeze" (paraphrased)
"Two names to watch are Bill O’Brien and Doug Marrone."
“I was told theres’s a 90% chance Pruitt is gone by the New Year.”
"Players were pulled from team meetings yesterday. Staff computers were taken 3 weeks ago." (paraphrased)
"Tennessee is also doing a separate investigation into internal violations to university protocol by pruitt, and has been since the summer." (paraphrased)
"Fulmer and the Athletic Department will have no say in the decision to keep Pruitt, this is all coming from the University Admin." (paraphrased)
"Tennessee likely to self impose a bowl ban." (paraphrased)
submitted by Mr_Football to ockytop [link] [comments]

Plagiarize my work and trash talk me? I will incinerate you.

TL: DR at bottom
Hi everyone. I posted this story a while back but recently became privy to some vital information. What I learned, confirmed that I am neither crazy nor did I overreact when I roasted this beast into oblivion.
I previously wrote about this person here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
If you would like to have better context on what a horrible person she is, I suggest you read either any or all of the linked posts.
I had once referred to feckless waste of oxygen as “Karen,” but have since chosen “Molly” for her alias as its meaning is: unfortunate or ill-fated. If you choose to read this in its entirety, you will see that it makes perfect sense.
About this story: all names contained herein are fictitious hence the quotation marks around them.
Our cast includes:
Me: Writer, quirky creative movie geek
Molly: Thieving, entitled wannabe “actress” who is as talented as she is honest
Judy: My now-retired former mentor
Don: My graphic web designer friend and still photographer
Tom: Film producer
Jim: Film director
Lana: Actress, Tom and Jim's friend
Andrea: My caustic, yet lovable roommate.
Onto the story.
I was once a young, naive and perhaps a little too trusting aspiring writer. I met “Molly,” mid-forties, blonde, blue-eyed and Caucasian (relevant to the story), through, “Judy,” my mentor, when I was trying to get my first screenplay, a murder mystery, produced into a feature film. Being green, I had never worked in the business before and I trusted Judy implicitly. She was gold, a wonderful person and, as it would turn out, the polar opposite of Molly.
By the time I met Molly, a spoiled toddler trapped in a 40-something woman's body and self-proclaimed ‘20-year theatre veteran,’ my work had been copyrighted for six months (PSA: it's imperative to protect your creative property and me doing just that saved my butt). Judy had previously worked with Molly on a prior film and suggested her for a dayplayer role in my murder mystery. For those who don't know, a dayplayer is an actor with approximately half a dozen lines and can usually film their part in a day or less. I trusted Judy's judgment so I messaged Molly and sent her the entire script. My first mistake. PSA: Never send your entire script, only script sides (sample dialogue), and a bio/description of the character. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches, both physical and legal.
I ended up having several conversations with Molly. She seemed quite lovely. I will give her that she definitely had her phone etiquette down pat. Little did I know, she was just getting me to lower my walls before she went in for the kill. Molly had accepted the role in the tentative production and we talked virtually daily after that. She was quickly becoming one of my go-to confidants. My second mistake. As Molly and I grew closer, Judy and I grew further apart.
One day, Molly wrote and asked me if I needed my script proofread. I told her there was no such need for that as it was already copyright protected including any errors that might be present. This becomes relevant later. She practically begged me and claimed she ‘just wanted to help.’ I told her, if she took it upon herself to do that, she would not be paid as there was no money and her efforts were pointless. Her behavior struck me as odd. How this seemingly, strong and confident woman had bizarrely behaved like a child, begging her daddy for candy, didn't make any sense.
About a week had passed, Judy wrote me and asked if I was able to speak on the phone. I told her I was available and she called me. She greeted me and promptly got to the point. She inquired why Molly was now claiming she was the cowriter of my script. I was floored. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. I thanked her, ended the call and immediately phoned Molly. Being continually unemployed, all Molly did was chain-smoke in her bathrobe and surf the net all day while her saintly husband worked a hard-labor job. She answered on the first ring. I asked if she knew anything about what Judy had told me. She paused before answering then tried to pass it off as ‘a misunderstanding.’ I decided to play my hand and bluff that other people had told me the same thing. Busted, she caved.
Molly: “Well, I did help you correct everything.”
Me: “Volunteering to copyedit my script does not make you the cowriter. You did a poor job, by the way. My work was already copyright protected in my name six months before I met you. This constitutes plagiarism.”
Molly: “No, it doesn't!“ She paused then, “What's plagiarism?”
I was dumbfounded. The fact that she denied being guilty of something without knowing the meaning of the word was perplexing.
Me: “Look it up. Delete your copy of the script right now. You will only get a new one when and if I choose to cast you.”
By the time I ended the call, it was obvious she was angry. Her pride had been wounded and I should have anticipated her retaliation. Again, hindsight.
The next time I was over at her house, I went on her computer when she wasn't looking. On a hunch, I checked her hard drive and there it was: my script. I deleted it. She later finagled a new copy from a well-meaning cast member and repeated the whole illegal rewrite. It was then that I found out, she was not only claiming to have written the entire script herself, but was also going to have the leading role. Both counts were easily debunked as:
  1. I had the copyright certificate to prove I was the sole writer
  2. The female lead is a 23-year-old woman of Puerto Rican descent (Molly is white, blonde-haired, blue eyed and, at the time, was in her mid-forties)
  3. Molly’s writing was absolutely terrible bordering on indecipherable.
The fact that she was insisting she’d written anything, other than a bad check or a grocery list, was laughable. Despite her claim of having a four-year college degree, she made countless careless, lazy mistakes, that to a casual observer, would suggest she dropped out while in elementary school.
Examples include everything ranging from: run-on sentences consisting of only lowercase letters, failure to capitalize proper nouns, using ‘and’ in the same sentence more than once, using commas as end punctuation, misspelling simple grade school-level words, mixing up her homonyms, using clumps of periods to break up her sentences, etc. All of which completely contradicted her claim that she had written a 100 plus page pristine screenplay. In addition to a highly-embellished typo-filled résumé, she tried passing off an overly filtered camera phone photo as a headshot and had no material for an acting demo reel. Anyone with ‘20 years in the business’ would have had all of these things and more. It should go without saying: if you can't prove something, do not put it on your résumé.
Thanks to the efforts of “Lana,” Molly had gotten into the good graces of, “Jim,” the noted award-winning director. Lana was the big-hearted other lead actress and his close friend. Molly had spun one of her infamous tales of woe i.e. poor me, my life sucks which led Lana to stick up and vouch for her. Molly's entitlement and complete lack of professionalism was duly noted by Jim. Despite her questionable spotty résumé, he only tolerated her for two reasons: she was the ‘writer’ and he felt professionally obligated to as a favor to Lana. I later came to learn, Jim was just biding his time until Molly either shaped up or until she failed her audition and he shipped her out. The role Molly wanted required a very strong actress which she was not. Failing her inevitable screen test, would have given Jim the grounds to have her replaced and, more accurately, fired. This wasn't his first rodeo.
In the meantime, Jim knew Lana could keep Molly in line. I don't fault Lana at all for buying into Molly's tall-tales, as she excelled at emotional manipulation and tugged at people's heart-strings to get her way. This, however, was the beginning of the end. Molly immediately threw her weight around like she was, in her words, ‘the second coming of Meryl Streep’ and ‘being the writer’ demanded a producer credit as well. Her narcissism had reached new heights. Think Faye Dunaway’s portrayal of Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest and you'll get the idea. Unfortunately, for her, Jim was quickly losing his patience.
Upon learning that Molly was now claiming she wrote the entire script, I sought out Judy for advice. Regrettably, Judy hated conflict and had long-since grown tired of playing referee between me and Molly. She dropped out of the production. I was left to fend for myself. Retrospectively, I realize her exit caused me to have to put on my big boy pants and confront my dilemma. On one hand, I was this close to spear-heading my first feature film. I wasn't a greedy person. All I wanted was my writing credit and a walk-on role in it. On the other hand, the working script bore little to no resemblance to my original source material. It had practically been taken over by a talentless wannabe ‘produceactress’ whose stiff acting would have looked out of place in an adult film. It was clear, the costs of being associated with Molly far outweighed the next-to-nonexistent benefits. I was on the fence, but knew what I had to do. I was backed in to a corner and was about to break out my secret weapon: my copyright certificate.
It would later turn out, Judy was the first of several people to leave referring to Molly as ‘unprofessional,’ ‘a crazy bitch,’ ‘an amateur,’ ‘a pain in the butt’ and everything in between. I had heard whispers, but I wouldn't become aware of much of the internal conflict, with her as the cause, until after the fact. Molly, of course, always had an answer for everything, including why people kept dropping out i.e. schedule conflicts, production delays, etc. It all seemed feasible, because these things do happen in the film world. Then, one day, I got a message from, “Don,” the California-based graphic web designer, with a copy of the conceptual video done based on my screenplay. This was news to me. Lo and behold, guess who was in the leading role? If you guessed Molly, you get a cookie. The entire storyline had been completely changed. In the credits she was listed as the writer. My name was nowhere to be found.
Her excuse for why I was not in any way involved with the shoot for the promotional video? There was ‘no time’ to get me involved. My name being mistakenly absent from the credits? A clerical error she promised to have fixed (it never was). I brought up that, Don, had been flown in from across the country to be the still photographer, yet I, who lived less than 60 miles away from the filming location, was left out of the loop. She ignored my question and blew me off.
It felt like my soul had been crushed. My labor of love, my first screenplay had been absconded with by this...no-talent, phony! I was caught between tears and rage for a while. It was around the same time I decided to enact my revenge, that I received a panicked phone call from Molly. She had a habit of calling at the most inopportune times. I could have been on a date, sleeping, working, etc. This instance was no exception. After both my landline and cell phone rang multiple times, I finally picked up the landline from which I gave her an aggravated greeting.
The following conversation is mostly from memory and paraphrased as it was a long time ago:
Me [annoyed]: “What do you want?”
Molly: “No time (insert emotional rant as she beat around the bush in an attempt to justify her despicable, entitled behavior all the while maintaining she was just an innocent bystander yet acting guilty as sin).”
Me: “Who did you piss off this time?”
Me: “You overstepped your bounds again.”
More silence.
It turns out Molly had tried to play the big boss and no one was having it. She copped an attitude with “Tom,” the producer, stating ‘her orders were the director's orders.’ Her power-play backfired when Tom called Jim to confirm. Jim saw red and had effectively went on strike with Tom following suit. Between Tom and Jim, they had a combined 60 years experience in the business whereas Molly had virtually none. I later learned, Lana apologized profusely for bringing Molly into the fold and had reluctantly played mediator between her two friends. She tried, in vain, to prevent Tom and Jim from quitting, but they had made up their minds. Neither of them wanted anything to do with Molly. The ultimatum was brought down: either Molly went or they went. Them leaving would have created a domino effect and led to the production being halted. That is why Molly was flipping out, not because she was about to be outed as the cause of the whole mess. By this point, I knew her too well and saw right through her drama queen antics.
Me: “What right did you think you had to do that, Molly? Keep in mind, I know more than you think I do. If you lie, I will know. ”
After a long pause she shakily answered.
Molly: “Because I'm the cowriter.”
Me: “No, you're not. I'm so sick of you saying that. It's not only untrue, it's fraud.”
Molly: “But I made changes to it.”
Me: “Unauthorized changes. You just admitted to plagiarism and copyright infringement. Can you bring forth documented proof that you were given permission from me to rewrite my entire script? You can't. What you did was highly unethical and illegal.”
Molly: “But...”
Me [raised voice]: “I'm speaking! You're listening. I'm not gonna keep going in circles with you on this. If I have to scan my copyright certificate and put it on the net for everyone to see, I will.
Dead silence. I turned my printescanner on and scanned a blank document. It had the desired effect as she totally freaked out when she heard it. She was caught in her tangled web of deception and her brain was short circuiting as she kept trying to come up with convincing lies.
Me: “You did know my work was copyright protected, didn't you? If you did and I know you did, that doesn't just make you a criminal, it makes you a stupid criminal. You knowingly committed willful copyright infringement. I have a lawyer on retainer and the means to pursue a lawsuit. Believe me, when I tell you, I have more than enough solid evidence to prove my case if I choose to sue you.”
Molly: “Don't do that!”
Me [patronizing]: “You're right. I'm not gonna waste my time dragging you into court when the court of public opinion is so much more effective.”
Molly [stunned]: “What?”
Me: “I have a file ten inches thick: screenshots, text messages, e-mails, all detailing the subterfuge and dubious tactics you employed to try to screw me out of my creative property. I also have the plagiarized hard copies containing your distinctive moniker on the title page in place of my name. All have time stamps. Add all that to my original hard copy of my script and my copyright certificate? I swear, I'll crucify you. All people have to do is Google your name and they see you're full of it. Being a wannabe is one thing, but you'll never be able to shake the reputation of being labeled a liar and a thief. If this gets out, you'll be unemployable. It's not like people are beating down your door with job offers. Stick a fork in you. You're done.”
Dead silence.
Me: “What? No retort? No spin doctor explanation? Go on. Lie. It's what you do best. Of course, you could always shock the hell out of me and give the truth a whirl.”
Molly [meekly]: “I'm sorry.”
Me: “Why? Because you're wrong, because you're caught or because now everyone knows you for the scam artist that you are? Maybe all of the above. Either way, it's absolutely clear you have nothing even remotely resembling a conscience. Your pride and ego are too big to leave room for one.”
Molly: “I'm really am sorry.”
Me: “Ooh. Not yet, but you will be.”
Molly [horrified]: “What are you gonna do?”
Me: “‘What am I gonna do?’ What am I gonna do? Hmm. Well, for starters I'm going to use the ‘F’ word. Fired. You're fired.”
Molly: “You can't fire me! I...”
Me: “I'm speaking! I can do whatever I want. I own the copyright to (script name). I'll say it again in case you weren't listening. I own the rights to (script name).”
Molly: “I know.”
Me [yelling]: “Then why did you do it?! Did you honestly think you’d get away with trying to usurp my work and turn it in to your own little vanity project?“
Me: “You know what? It doesn't matter anymore. Now, starting now, your name is off of this project. That's my call. The writing credit you think you deserve because you plagiarized my script? Gone. The leading role that you retooled to fit someone of your age and appearance? Gone. The producing credit you demanded you receive for illegally rewriting my script? Gone.”
Molly [fake crying]: “Why do you hate me?”
Me: “Spare me the crocodile tears. If you put the energy you wasted conning people in to actually going out on auditions and booking jobs, you’d be a working actress right now. Instead, you're a nobody that no one wants to work with, let alone be around. You're just a bored housewife chasing a pipe dream. Make no mistake. I'm not calling you a has-been. You're a never-was.”
Me: “Seriously, how many people, have to go no-contact with you before you realize that you're the problem? Even your own daughter doesn't talk to you because you're a vile bitch and you can expect your son to do the same when he goes off to college. You're a compete failure as a professional, a horrible excuse for a human being and not worth any more of my time.”
Molly [no longer fake crying, pleading]: “You don't have to talk to me like that. I can change. I promise I can change.”
Me: “Cut the bullshit! Save your empty promises for someone who cares, because I have no more fucks left to give. You better hope Lana can do some fancy footwork and prevent Tom and Jim from quitting. I won't blame them if they do. They're professionals. They don't need to put up with this crap. You also seem to have forgotten, the entire cast and crew was recruited at their invitation. Once they abandon ship, word will spread like wildfire and everyone will mutiny. With them gone, I guarantee you everyone will walk off the set. If this whole thing ends up dead in the water, you can bet your butt, I'll make damn sure to point the finger at you as the reason why. If that happens, I swear on my father's grave, in every way that it matters I'll be done with you. Do you understand?”
Me [shouting]: “Do you understand?!”
Molly: “Yes.”
Me: “You see, Molly, I haven't trusted you for quite some time. Now I just don't like you. Get a life. One that doesn't involve me.”
When I ended the call, I was raging hot. The entire conversation was cathartic and liberating. Unlike Molly, I keep promises. I sent all of my documented evidence to Don who then forwarded it to Jim, Tom and the other producers. One by one, all of them publicly quit. They made detailed posts on their Facebook pages. Molly wasn't called out by name specifically, but anyone remotely connected to the production knew the identity of the ‘unprofessional individual’ they alluded to.
The production ultimately ended up being canceled. It eventually came out that I was the only writer and the script presented to them was plagiarized by none other than Molly herself. Those who were unaware of the behind the scenes drama, started blowing up her social media demanding an explanation. Molly, who always had something to say and craved attention, had finally gotten her wish granted by karma. All eyes were on her, just not in the flattering way she wanted. It should come as no surprise, Molly offered up no satisfactory answers to any questions asked and took no responsibility for her monumental screw up. Unable to take the heat, she, in a demonstration of her trademark cowardice, tucked her tail between her legs and went off the grid. Even though, by then everyone knew of her dirty deeds, Molly never did admit she was the reason why everything went to hell in a handbasket. Shocker.
For several months after that, Molly left me alone. Considering she used to stalk me online, I find it amusing she didn't notice when I blocked her on all my social media. I changed cellphone providers shortly thereafter. I also made certain that she never got my new number. I kind of wish I could have seen the epic tantrum she, no doubt, threw when she realized I had gone no-contact with her.
About a month after purging the leech of a fake bitch, known as Molly, out of my life, I got a call on my landline from an unfamiliar number with an out of state area code. I didn't answer but, “Andrea,“ my roommate listened to the voicemail. It was Molly calling to inform me that Jim, the director, had passed away due to a heart attack. I didn't listen to the message. Andrea gave me the gist. Molly sounded panicked and, in her typical entitled fashion, turned the tragedy into a story about herself:
Molly: “Great. Now the movie's never going to get made.”
What a cold-hearted bitch. I was speechless. We were both stunned. Forget the fact that Jim's wife was now a widow or that his children were now fatherless or that his grandchildren would never know their grandfather. Her ego being stroked as a Grade B-movie actress was more important. Andrea deleted the message and I headed to work. Being that I was unable to block her number on the landline, Molly later made another attempt to get my attention with her histrionics. I was still at work when Andrea intercepted the call. A little fact about my roommate: she is a German-Jew native New Yorker with a very big mouth. She takes absolutely no crap and makes Judge Judy Sheindlin seem like a cream puff by comparison. You can just imagine how that entire call went.
Here's a snippet:
Andrea: “Molly, the man died. Does that mean anything to you, you selfish cunt?”
Upon being told off, Molly quickly tried to end the conversation but not before leaving a message to have me call her back.
Andrea: “Molly, OP blocked you on everything for reasons that are already well-known to you. Fuck. Off.”
After delivering that rebuke, which left Molly in tears, Andrea hung up. Needless to say, I never did return her call. When Andrea spilled the tea, of how she kicked Molly when she was down, I hugged her and bought her a bottle of her favorite sangria as a thank you.
It's been over six years. I haven't heard from Molly since and don't care to ever again. I'm finally starting to achieve my dreams. I recently produced and had a small role in my first short film for which I wrote the script. It was such a fulfilling and rewarding experience. The whole shoot was so overwhelming in a good way. Being a big softie, I did cry on set. I'm finally doing what I know I was born to do. In case you're wondering, yes. I still plan to produce my murder mystery without any involvement from Molly.
EDIT: For those of you who have been asking, I have since met a very talented director, who is as big of a movie geek as me, and is the complete antithesis to Molly. I don't leave a single exchange with him without feeling educated or inspired. He's a wonderful guy and he loves my murder mystery. Currently, there are plans to get it into development as soon as the coronavirus craziness dies down.
EDIT: UPDATE II: In having several in-depth conversations with Don, I learned of the catalyst that caused Tom and Jim to quit. Don is about six months younger than me and quite introverted. Molly had him under her thumb. So when she insisted that he write a letter to Tom ‘defending her honor,’ he did. What Molly didn't count on was Don being hip to her manipulative, schoolyard-bully ways: he covered his backside by copying both Lana and Jim in the e-mail as well. Naturally, being the oblivious waste of flesh that she is, Molly did not notice that her whiny, entitled rant (it was clear that they were her words, not Don’s) had been sent to the director himself. She realized she had screwed up when she received a scathing text/reply from Lana about the huge mess she had caused. This is what spurred Molly’s panicked phone call to me in which I introduced her to the concept of being murderedbywords.
EDIT: UPDATE. I reconnected with one of Molly's former friends, “Amelia,” with whom I was cordial during those days. Amelia had been friends with Molly for 10 years before cutting her off. After reuniting, my graphic web designer friend, “Don,” created a group chat between the three of us. Ever since then, Amelia has been spilling the tea left and right. It should be of no surprise whatsoever, that Molly has absolutely no performing background at all. Her flimsy claim of having ‘20 years experience in theater’ is just one of the many delusional figments of her diseased mind. It turns out, it was actually Amelia who was active in the local community theater scene. Naturally, Molly was insanely jealous of her so-called ‘best friend's’ talent and ambitious ways. Also, the cock and bull story about her being a former department store runway model when she lived up north is just that: bull. She's only 5’2”. Anyone who knows anything about fashion knows you have to be at least 5’7” to do runway. Amelia also confirmed that Molly has always been a lazy unproductive member of society and that her kids had it bad as long as she can remember. Amelia is delighted that Molly's now-grown children have escaped her clutches and have little to no-contact with their poor excuse for a mother. Upon learning that Molly's daughter doesn't let her see her only grandchild, Amelia laughed manically then said: “Karma's a bitch.” Amelia is also shocked that Molly and her husband are still together. She put it, and, I quote: “I'm surprised they haven't murdered each other yet.”
You may be wondering what led Amelia to go no-contact with Molly. If you read any of my other stories, it was similar instances of rampant entitled behavior. The last straw came when then-newlywed Amelia was expecting her first child. Being the attention whore that she is, Molly was extremely jealous that Amelia “never had time for her” anymore. She made some very cruel comments about Amelia's then-unborn son (she has a daughter now as well) and that pretty much ended their ten-year ‘friendship.’ Amelia said her stress level dropped by 99% ever since she blocked Molly out of every aspect of her life.
TL: DR: Narcissistic, wannabe “actress” tries to steal my script from me and produce it as her own little vanity project. I kept a detailed record of all her illegal, libelous, malicious deeds and turned everyone against her.
submitted by horrorflickguy to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today....

“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today, if they know when The Price Is Right!”
Dah-dah-dah-dah. Dah-dah-dah-dah… I catch myself humming the theme song. I’m such a grandma knitting along to late night gameshow re-runs. But Bob Barker’s good company when you're in the middle of nowhere babysitting. The silence out here is disturbing.
“Rachel Donaldson, come on dowwwn! Yooou’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
I glance up at the TV. Rachel’s jumping and squealing and throwing her hands in the air. I bet she’ll win a new car. God, it’s taking me forever to save for mine. I can hear my mom’s voice in my head: “You need to learn the true value of a dollar.” The only handout that woman gives is unwanted advice.
I set down my knitting needles to stretch my fingers. I have to finish one cat fedora, three dog bandanas and a guinea pig sweater by next Friday. My Etsy shoppers seem to love this stuff (not sure about their pets). But even still, I’d have to sell a million Chihuahua beanies to afford a car.
On screen, Rachel Donaldson’s bidding $1 on a 6-person hot tub. Hmm, seems risky to me. But as mom likes to say, “You have to take risks to get ahead.”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!”
And once again mom’s right (boo). Rachel’s gamble paid off. She's through to the next round. Her family goes ballistic in the audience, screaming so loud it’s going to blow out the Richardson’s fancy surround sound.
Shit, I should turn the TV down. If I wake up the kids now, I’ll never get them back to sleep. And cranky kids means cranky parents. I need to keep this gig. Turns out babysitting pays way more than my animal couture line. And Tatiana and Julian are pretty easy to watch . Though tonight they seemed in a funk. Barely spoke. Maybe they decided they don't like me.
I stare down at five remotes sitting next to a fat ‘Entertainment Center’ instruction packet. Seriously? I try the volume button and nothing happens. I hit ‘power’. Still no go. Maybe the 'mute' button? It oddly does the trick. Rachel Donaldson is now noiselessly celebrating, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, as a plastic Plinko disc lands on a $5,000 payout.
Ahoooga! Ahoooga!
The noise makes me jump. For a split second I think it's coming from the TV. But, no, the volume’s still muted.
Ahoooga! Ahoooga!
It’s outside. Some kind of… honking? I picture a tiny car full of murderous clowns flashing chainsaws and uzis (too many B horror movies with my brother). The Richardson’s neighbors are at least a quarter-mile away, so if I screamed for help, no one would hear. I creep toward the window, a little freaked out. But let’s be real, what blood-thirsty murderer would announce themself with a cartoon horn?
I peer through a crack in the blinds, not wanting whoever it is to see me. It’s dark out, but I spot an old, boxy RV parked on the single-lane country road at the end of the Richardson’s drive. Its brights are on, giving the vehicle a visible aura, as if having landed from outer space. The passenger door is thrown open. I squint and make out a hunched over figure in the driver’s seat hitting the horn.
The side door of the RV is open too. Framed inside is the teapot silhouette of a women with big hair piled on top of her head. Hands on her hips, she yells at the figure in the front seat. Probably her husband. He hits the horn again. This is annoying. They're gonna wake the kids. I should go out there and tell them to stop.
Out on the porch I stop a sec. I hate confrontation. But they seem harmless… Definitely not murderous clowns. Just some old timers who probably lost their way on these crazy ass backroads. There are at least three streets with “Pine” in the name around here. Even confuses me.
I decide to be a Good Samaritan and take a few steps down the drive, not wanting to shout too close to the house. “Everything okay?” I holler out to the couple.
Startled, the woman puts her hand to her heart. “Oh, honey. Didn’t see ya there.”
“Sorry,” I apologize. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Oh it’s okay. I’m an old fraidy cat.” The woman remains in silhouette. Just a voice in the dark. “Hate to interrupt your evening. But you see, we’re in a bit of a pickle. I was having Dennis here… wave, Dennis, to the little girl…”
The man in the front seat nods at me. I wince at her use of the word “little.” I may be small for my age, but I’m not a little girl.
The woman rambles on, “I was having him honk the horn to see if anyone was home. Didn’t want to trespass on this fine property. You never know who’s locked and loaded these days. I’m scared of dogs, too, if I’m honest. Been bit more than once and let me tell you, the bite is worse than the bark.” The woman laughs, and I join her. I’m used to laughing at adults’ dumb jokes.
“Are you lost?” I ask. “I can point you to the highway.”
The woman flips on a bug light rigged to the RV and steps down into the neon blue glow. I can see her face now. Makeup caked on. The shadows from her fake lashes like spiders on her cheeks. She’s older. Maybe gram’s age. With dangling turquoise earrings.
“Damn mosquitoes. Nearly sucking me dry.” The woman swats at her neck and checks her palm. “Ooh, got ‘em!” She wipes the guts on her pants. “I’m Marianne by the way. And no, hon, we’re not lost. Not in the literal sense anyway. We’d pulled off a few hours ago to catch a little shuteye, get a little beauty sleep. Dennis set an alarm on his phone, but the bugger ran out of juice. Turns out we no longer have a charger because my hubby here,” Marianne slams her palm on the RV, “let a pretty girl at the last RV park borrow it and never asked for it back! Worse yet, because we overslept, we’re now in danger of losing our spot at tonight’s park.”
Now I’m wishing I’d stayed inside.
“So you see, I desperately need to call ahead to let them know we’re only a couple hours away but have no working phone. You get where I’m going with this, darling?”
I do. But no way am I letting a stranger use my phone.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she says, wagging her finger. “You don’t want a stranger fiddling with your phone. So what if I sweeten the deal? Would five dollars help? It’s one measly phone call. Dennis!” she shouts, without letting me answer. “Bring me the can!”
I watch Dennis reach between the front seats and grab a red Folgers coffee can. He holds it out the passenger window, giving the can a shake. I can hear coins jangling. And it reminds me of my gram hiding “emergency money” in an old ice cream carton in the freezer.
Marianne huffs and shuffles over to her husband. “Thanks for the effort, dear. Always making me come to you,” she barks. “I’ll remember this when someone wants their back scratched tonight.” She snatches the can and pops the top. Crumpled cash falling out as she digs around inside. She chooses a bill and holds it out to me, like offering a treat to a feral cat.
I think on it. Five bucks could buy me a couple skeins of yarn. That’s about three dog sweaters at fifteen dollars a pop. So forty bucks profit, all from a harmless phone call which costs me nothing. “Sure,” I finally reply, handing her my phone… and hope I don't regret it.
“I didn’t catch your name honey,” Marianne says, while slipping me the wrinkly five-dollar bill.
“Delphine,” I answer, then realize I could’ve said any name. Jessica or Sasha or Princess Buttercup. But what’s it matter? They’ll be gone soon.
Marianne disappears with my phone into the RV. They better not take off with it. I listen close and can hear bits and pieces of her conversation with the RV park. It doesn’t sound good. Antsy, I check out Dennis still in the driver’s seat. He’s wearing a fishing vest over his t-shirt, its zillion pockets bulging with who knows what. He dips into one and pulls out a small black comb, running it through his patchy grey hair.
“Where you guys from?” I ask, trying to fill the awkward silence.
Instead of answering, he leans forward and pulls a Red Vine out of a giant plastic container on the dash, offering it to me. I shake my head ‘no’. Never take candy from a stranger.
“Here and there,” he finally replies, before taking a bite of his Red Vine. Smacking as he chews.
“Don’t tease the girl, Dennis,” Marianne scolds, stepping out with my phone. “We’re from a one-horse town in Arizona. Retired this last year after working our fingers to the bone our whole lives. Then set out to travel this great country in old Shitbird here… if you’ll excuse my French. But she’s a real piece of work. Prone to flat tires and flattening squirrels.”
I scan the RV. ‘Shitbird’ sums it up. The outside’s caked in bugs and dust. The passenger mirror is duct taped together. And there’s a dent in the bumper suspiciously shaped like a deer.
Marianne catches me staring. “I know, I know. She's a little worse for wear. You know the saying, some things are like a fine wine, they get better over time? Well that ain’t her.” She laughs, and this time I don’t laugh with her. I’m ready for them to be gone. “Anyway, we’re doing the festival circuit and have come here for your famous Apple Jubilee. I’m sure you know it well.”
I nod, the mention making me cringe. An apple-eating duck nearly took my finger off one year at that kiddie fest. I refuse to go back, even for the deep-fried apple turnovers. Marianne hands me my phone. The cover is smudged from oily fingers and smells of cheap rose perfume. Grrrrross. “Well I better head back inside,” I tell her. “Good luck with the rest of your trip.” I turn to go.
“We could use a pinch of luck, that’s for darn tootin’,” Marianne sighs. “Looks like they gave away our spot.”
I hold my breath, waiting for the next favor.
“You don’t suppose we could stay parked here for a short while? Just until we figure out what to do.” Marianne fusses with her hair, as the blue bug light zaps its first victim. “Would hate to waste gas driving around in circles.”
I’m not sure what to do. It’s not my dream to have them parked here. But can I force them to leave? They’re on a public road. “Yeah. I guess that's fine.” Before Marianne can say anymore, I hurry inside and lock the door. Peeking through the blinds, I watch Dennis shove an armful of stuffed plastic grocery bags into the Richardson’s garbage bin. He makes three of these trips, struggling to pound the last few bags in. Finally, he slams the lid shut, giving the can a good kick, having won the battle.
If I was braver, I’d tell them this wasn’t the county dump. Instead, I check on the kids. Their rooms are quiet and dark. Good, still comatose. It took forever to get Julian to sleep. He kept crying and saying his parents weren’t coming back. Poor little dude. As I leave Tatiana's room, I notice a new pair of ice skates hanging on the back of her door. These kids want something, they get it.
“Watch out!” a voice echoes through the house.
I freeze. My heart pounding.
“… You’re close to losing it all, if you can’t guess the price of this gold-plated Timex wristwatch!”
Duh, idiot. It’s only Bob Barker… But didn't I mute that guy? I hurry into the living room, half expecting to find Marianne there, eating Red Vines on the couch and swatting mosquitos.
“Put your thinking cap on, Tony. You’re playing for a new car,” Bob continues.
Of course the living room’s empty. I mute the TV again, still unable to figure out how to turn it off. I grab my knitting – and the hairs on my neck stand up. My Spidey sense tells me I’m being watched. And sure enough, I spin around to find Mr. Richardson’s face glaring over me.
I stare back at him, only a picture on the wall. Mrs. Richardson stands by her husband in the photo holding a picnic basket. Her hair in a smooth, shiny bob. Julian and Tatiana hold hands amongst a carpet of yellow and red autumn leaves. The kids are grinning ear to ear, but you can tell they’re uncomfortable in the old timey clothes they’ve been forced to wear. I laugh (the kids’ holiday elf costumes were even worse), but notice something odd about the picture. Mr. R’s gone grey. I thought his hair was dark brown but dude must dye it. Even stranger, his eyes are two different colors, one blue, one brown. Which I know isn’t right…
I drop the remote. Del – stop being so jumpy. I walk to the front door and peer through the peephole. It's Marianne and her red beehive hair. If I ignore her, maybe she’ll go away. I hold statue-still, trying not to make any noise.
“I can hear you breathing behind there, Delphine,” she says in a singsong voice, bringing goosebumps to my arms. “Don’t be frightened. It’s me. Marianne.”
Ugh, there’s no avoiding this woman. I crack open the door knowing the screen’s latched, creating a barrier between us.
“There you go. Better to talk face-to-face. I promise not to bite.” She lets out a dry, crackly laugh. “I do hate to bother you again, but Dennis has outdone himself this time. Spilled my last bottle of cooking oil all over the Shitbird’s carpet right before I was about to cook him up a plate of Salisbury steak.”
I give a blank stare, wondering if she’s for real right now. They’re cooking dinner?! They should be cooking up a plan of where to sleep tonight. I picture a greasy stovetop and the smell of burning meat and gravy filling the RV.
Marianne inches close to the screen, the tip of her nose grazing it. The heat of her breath assaults me. I take a step back, as she goes on, “I wouldn’t ask to borrow from a complete stranger unless I was desperate. Dennis is lousy with diabetes, god bless him, from all that pop he drank to stay awake on nightshifts. If I don’t feed the man in the next few minutes, he’s bound to slip into a capital ‘C’ coma.”
I flash to the Richardson’s coming home to an ambulance in their driveway. They’d have a heart attack no doubt, afraid one of the kids was hurt. I’d never be asked back to babysit. Maybe they'd tell the whole town, and my other families would ban me too. “I want to help…" I start. “But it’s not my house. It doesn’t seem right to take without asking.”
Marianne nods. “I understand. One-hundred percent. But trust me, no one’s gonna miss a tablespoon of olive oil.” Marianne studies my face. I think she can sense my hesitation. “What about this? I’ll give you ten dollars for it. The oil’s only worth a handful of cents. It’s a heck of a deal. And I bet a young girl like you is saving up for something special. A new dress, perhaps, or a nice pair of earrings…”
I glance down at my ripped jeans and baggy hoodie. Is she throwing shade?
“Well… whad’ya say?” She holds out her hand to shake on it. Her fingers are full of rings. Costume jewelry, I bet.
“Okay,” I answer, leaving her hand hanging. If mom was here she’d say “never trust free money”. But what harm’s a little extra cash?
I keep the screen door locked and head into the Richardson’s kitchen. The pantry is as organized as a supermarket shelf. Tidy rows of healthy kids snacks, protein bars and canisters of dried beans arranged by color. Totally OCD. On the back shelf I spy a row of oils – avocado, sesame, vegetable, walnut and a green one called grapeseed. No olive oil anywhere. Maybe I should give this nutter the cheap stuff and call it a day.
“You alright, darlin’?” Marianne hollers through the screen. She rattles the door, trying to open it. “Unlatch this darn thingamajig, and I can come help ya.”
I ignore her and grab the vegetable oil, since its plastic bottle looks the least expensive. I pour a large spoonful in a Dixie cup, doubting she’ll even know the difference. Back at the door, Marianne takes the oil and sniffs it. For a second, I worry I’ve been caught. But she smiles, lifts her shirt (umm, is she gonna flash me?) and unzips a nude colored, sweat-stained money belt. I try not to make a face as she hands me a limp ten dollar bill. The money’s warm and moist.
But hey, money’s money.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Ms. Delphine,” Marianne says, zipping the money belt closed and tucking in her purple bedazzled blouse. “Could I interest you in a plate? My kids used to say my Salisbury steak is the best on the block. Course, they’re all grown now. Don’t need me… Except when they need help paying their rent, that is.” She’s silent for a moment. Sad maybe. “Would make me mighty happy to feed you,” she adds, eager.
“No thanks, ma’am. I already ate.” Not trying to hurt her feelings, but no way am I eating a plate of her Salisbury steak.
Marianne frowns. “Your loss then,” she huffs, turning on her heels and strutting back to the RV. I swear I see her toss the oil into a bush. But it’s hard to make out much in the dark.
I curl up on the couch and get back to my Chihuahua beanie. The Price Is Right cuts to an ad for our local car dealership. The TV’s still on mute, but I can hear the jingle in my head: “Don’t waste your time going online. Come see Gervis for customer service…” The owner, Gervis McNally, rides a horse past the small electric car I’m saving for. I picture no longer taking the bus to school in the mornings or relying on my parents for rides everywhere. I could grab a peppermint mocha with double whip whenever I want. Purrrre freedom.
Bob Barker’s back now greeting a new contestant on stage. I dig into my backpack for a skein of yellow yarn, when the damn TV unmutes again. Did I sit on the remote? I reach under me to check, when Bob turns to camera.
“Check the kid’s bedroom, Delphine.”
My heart stops. Bob Barker’s talking to me.
“Because you’re about to win a 4-piece children’s bedroom set,” Bob exclaims, as the show’s snappy music fires up.
I laugh, relieved. Hello, I’m not the only Delphine in the world. I find the remote tucked between the couch cushions and mute the set again. It sounds nuts, but I can’t shake the idea Bob was talking to me. Maybe I should go check on the kids. Doesn’t hurt.
I peek in on Tatiana first. Even though she’s seven-going-on-thirty and mouthy as my cousin Sheila, she’s sleeping like a baby with her thumb in her mouth. I sneak into Julian’s room next and am hit with a gust of chilly air. His race car curtains rise and fall, as though breathing. I swear the window wasn’t open when I tucked him in. Right? I creep across the wood floor, trying not to step on the ruins of a Lego castle. I reach to close the window, and then I see it. A large shadow moving along the grass in the backyard.
Something's out there.
It feels like I'm sinking into the carpet. Totally spooked. I hear Julian stir and know I’ve got to check it out. I’m in charge of these kids after all. One step at a time, Del. Go to the kitchen. Flip on the back porch light. And have a look.
I make my way there and peer through the sliding glass door. The backyard is empty. Thank god. Maybe it was a deer. Or a coyote. Or a freakin' tree blowing in the wind… I should make a cup of cocoa and chill the hell out.
I grab the kettle from the stove, then freeze. There’s a noise behind me. On the back porch. I don’t want to turn around. Because the sliding doors are shaking. As if a burglar’s trying to break in. A scream rises in my throat.
“Delphiiiinnneee.” Marianne’s voice is both welcome and disturbing. “I tried the front door, but you must have cotton stuck in your ears.” She taps on the slider like a woodpecker, over and over. “Delphine? Delphine! I’m lookin’ right at you. Turn around.”
My body tenses, and I spin around to face her. Through the glass, I see the expression on Marianne’s face. She’s almost… angry. Or at least irritated. Her smile stretched too wide, reminding me of a patient in a dentist’s chair with their mouth clamped open.
I try to be civil. “I don’t know if you should be back there,” I tell her. “The kids’ parents will be home any minute.”
“The Richardsons?” Marianne asks, as if they’re old friends. “You don’t gotta worry your pretty little head about them.”
It creeps me out she knows their name. But then I remember the red hand-painted “Richardson Family” on the mailbox. Even then, my gut’s telling me something’s not right with these two. I’d call the sheriff, but I’m the one who said they could stay. It’s like with vampires – let them in, and you’re gonna get bitten. “I think you should go,” I say, my tone more forceful.
Marianne puts her hands on her hips. “Trust me, hon. We want to get out of your hair. In fact, we were about to take off when Shitbird overheated somethin’ awful. Like a case of herpes, this keeps cropping up at the most inopportune times. All we need is a splash of water to cool the engine off.” I can tell she’s gearing for another ridiculous ask. “I peeped a hose out front. Mind if we use it? I’ve already slipped fifteen dollars under the front door for your troubles. To help pad that nest egg of yours.”
She winks at me through the glass, and I feel I’m making a deal with the devil. But again, I do need the cash. The couple’s a bit strange, but I'm probably overreacting. Babysitting paranoia. “Go ahead,” I tell them.
“Eureka.” Marianne claps her hands together. “You’re an absolute doll. But there is one other thing…”
Of course there is.
“Your hose, what is it? A 25-footer? That ain’t gonna reach our engine. I’m sure you won’t mind if we pull into the driveway?”
Actually I do mind. “Well--”
“We’ll be done in a jiffy,” she interrupts before I can protest. “Scouts honor.” And she’s gone. Moving faster than seems possible for a lady her age. Although, maybe she’s one of those Zumba enthusiasts you see at the community center, like my great Aunt Bertie.
Through the living room blinds, I watch the RV roll up the Richardson’s gravel driveway, its flabby wheels kicking up rocks. The brakes squeal to a stop. And soon I hear the low rumble of water moving through the pipes in the walls with each turn of the garden spigot.
As my eyes follow the water’s path through the house, I glance again at the Richardson’s silly family portrait. Huh. Were Mrs. R’s fingers always covered in all those rings? Doesn’t really seem her style. My mind goes to Marianne’s costume jewelry crusted fingers. The resemblance gives me the chills. I notice, too, for the first time the way Mr. R clutches his kids’ shoulders. His grip too tight.
“Jesus H, Dennis, watch where you’re pointing that snake! You’re gonna get me all wet,” I hear Marianne yell from outside, followed by her crackly laugh.
Through the blinds, I see the Shitbird with its hood propped open. Dennis cools off the RV’s engine with the Richardson’s green garden hose. I can’t spot Marianne and wonder if she's snooping around the backyard again. But then there she is, exiting the RV with a large cardboard box. She drops the box with a thud and clutches her back. I swear I can hear the cracking of her spine from here. I try to make out what’s written on the box. R-I-C-H… But I can’t read the rest. Did they steal a package from the Richardsons?
I have a sudden terrible itch on my back but can’t seem to reach it. I think of using my knitting needles. That would do it. But I don't dare walk away from the window.
“Pretty yourself while you’re at it, old man,” Marianne orders Dennis. “You smell of liver and onions. We gotta look presentable. Make a good impression.” She throws him a rag, and I watch him bend over, spraying the hose into his limp greying hair. He straightens, shakes his head and slicks his wet hair back with his pocket comb.
I turn my focus to Marianne. She's checking herself out in the RV’s duct taped side mirror, picking Salisbury gristle from her teeth with a utility knife. Like some sort of thug. She applies a good five coats of fuchsia lipstick and puckers her lips.
It's as if they're getting ready for something. Maybe it's Bingo night at the RV park.
The blue bug zapper flickers. The itch on my back is screaming now. I’m about to go grab those needles, when Marianne plucks her red beehive hairdo right off her head. I’m shocked to see her bald underneath. The skin loose and blue in the light. Dennis hands her a new wig. She carefully puts on the shiny brown bob and smiles at her reflection in the side mirror, “Well aren't you a sight to see.” She tucks a stray hair behind her ear. “Come on, Dennis, it's time."
I clutch at my back. My skin is burning. As though being bitten by a million red fire ants. I grab the blinds, ripping a hole in them, as my knees nearly give out. And all at once, two heads snap toward me in eerie unison, like a pair of junkyard dogs. Marianne and Dennis are watching me.
I have a very bad feeling.
I run from the window to call mom. She’ll know what to do. And then I see it. Under recent calls. The last person dialed was dad - not a random RV park. Marianne lied to me. Her whole conversation was fake. Holy crap. What are they going to do to us? Panicking, I hit the emergency button, but nothing happens. Instead, a text pops up from an unknown number: “DON’T BE SCARED HONEY. WE’VE GOT MORE MONEY.”
They’re at the door. I go stiff. “Let us in, darling,” Marianne coos. “We ain’t gonna hurt you. We’re here to relieve you.” Her voice through the door sounds different. Not just muffled. But higher pitched. Almost breaking.
“Come on down!” the TV blares out. “You’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
The volume’s so loud it’s as if I’m right there in the gameshow. I turn to face the screen. And there they are on the TV set. Dennis, gaunt and expressionless, sitting in the studio audience, while Marianne jumps for joy in her brunette bob and fuchsia lipstick. She takes off at a sprint through the audience, racing to the podium. In it to win it.
This can’t be...
I hear keys jingling in the front door and snap back to reality. Thank god. The Richardsons are home. I don’t even care if they’re mad about the RV. I just want them here. They’ll know what to do. The knob turns. The door creaks open.
And Marianne and Dennis walk in. Their clothes neat and tidy and stylish. Totally different than before – and yet off. Like a costume that doesn’t fit. I scream and grab my knitting needles, holding them out in front of me like spears. “Stop, or I’m calling the cops,” I shout, trying to sound grown up, when inside I’m still a kid who wants to crawl under the covers and hide.
Marianne ignores me, pointing to the TV. “Jeepers, Dennis, Delphine’s watching our old episode. Remember, dear? We were on one helluva winning streak. Celebrated that night with lobster and dirty martinis at the hotel bar. Took home enough furniture and bric-a-brac to redecorate the entire house.” She sighs, nostalgic. Then sets her sights on me. “Now, now, put the needles down, Delphine. Violence isn’t the answer. This will be easier if you give in.”
I swallow my fear and try to think, not loosening my grip on my weapons, pathetic as they are. I yell, “The Richardson’s will be home any minute! Get out, and I won’t tell them you trespassed!”
Marianne and Dennis exchange a look and laugh. Her fuchsia lipstick smeared on her teeth, she replies in a motherly tone, “Oh honey… we’re the Richardsons now. Don’t I look good in her dress? It’s a smidge tight, if I’m honest. But thankfully Dennis enjoys a bosom buster.” She leans into Dennis, kissing him. He lets out a low moan and grabs her hand. One by one he inserts her fingers into his mouth, sucking off her costume jewelry rings and swallowing them.
Tears roll down my face. “What have you done with the Richardsons?” Marianne stares at me with pity. “You freaks, tell me what you’ve done!” I yell louder.
“Mom? Dad?” Julian appears from the darkened hallway in his solar system pajamas.
I race to stand between him and the deranged couple. “Don’t come in here,” I order him. “Go back to your room.” But it’s too late. Julian runs to Marianne, wrapping his arms around her. I lurch forward, ripping him away. He struggles in my arms, crying, and breaks free, hiding himself behind Marianne.
“It’s okay, bubba. Mommy’s home,” Marianne soothes. “Delphine’s tired is all. She didn’t mean to hurt you.” Marianne pats the boy on the head, flashing me a Cheshire grin. And for the first time, I glimpse three or four gold teeth in the back of her mouth. As sharp as a wolf’s.
Tatiana steps into the room, rubbing sleep from her eyes. No, no, no, get out of here kid. Run! “Mom, what’s going on? Why are you guys being so loud?” she asks, annoyed we woke her. Her gaze moves from the couple to the threat of the knitting needles in my hands. Her expression changes. Tatiana’s scared. Not of them, though. Of me.
Dennis bends his lanky frame to make himself the height of the children. “Daddy will tuck you back in,” he tells them, his voice surprisingly warm. “Momma needs to pay the babysitter.” He grabs the kids by the hand and leads them down the hall toward their rooms. I want to chase after them, but my feet won’t budge. These lunatics are not your parents!
I need proof. I glance over at the family portrait. But the Richardsons I know are gone from the picture. In their place are Marianne and Dennis, posing with the kids in the same red and yellow carpet of leaves. Just another happy family.
“Does forty cover tonight,” Marianne asks, handing me two crisp twenty dollar bills. As if this were the most normal exchange in the world. “I know we’re back early. I do hope the kids weren’t too much trouble. I’ll have Dennis pull the car around to give you a ride home.”
I don’t answer. I can’t even process what she’s saying. Instead, I watch the Marianne on TV scream in delight. She’s won the final Showcase. Next to her on stage stand her unlucky competitors. The Richardsons. The REAL Richardsons. They’ve lost it all. And Marianne is going home with a new-
“Fully equipped recreational vehicle for an all-expenses paid tour of the great USofA!” Bob Barker gestures to a rising curtain. Revealing a shiny new Shitbird.
Marianne walks over to me. Her breath hot on my skin again, she whispers, “Don’t worry. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow. Of course, we’ll still need a good babysitter, too.” She winks. “And we do pay well.”
If I could escape, I would. But this all seems inevitable.
Marianne sets a hand tenderly on my shoulder. “You’ll have that new car in no time, dear. The one you’ve been saving so hard for.”
I’m still glued to the TV set. A new episode of the gameshow has started. The theme song along with it. Dah-dah-dah-dah. Dah-dah-dah-dah. Bob Barker stands on stage. Skinny mic in hand. He looks into the camera… right at me… opening his mouth to deliver the good news.
“Delphine McDonald, come on dowwwn!”
I smile.
“A fortune in fabulous prizes awaits… as you’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
I have a very good feeling.
submitted by drkmode6 to nosleep [link] [comments]

[A Fractured Song] - Book 2 Chapter 29 (93) - Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Story Summary: After years of beatings and neglect from her parents, 13-year old Frances was summoned with her entire class to the fantastical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the "Demon King." If she succeeds, she might have the home she never had. But if she can't overcome the trauma and self-loathing inflicted on her by her abusive parents, Frances will die, and be summoned back to the home she escaped, on the day that she left.
Teaser: Let's say the Grand Army of Erlenberg isn't going to be a Grand Army for much longer.
[The Beginning] [<=Book 2 Chapter 28 (92)] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Book 2 Chapter 30 (94)=>]
Index of Windwhistler Family Members
Art of Frances's friends, Elizabeth, Martin, Ayax and Timur. Courtesy of RianneDraws :)
Fractured Song Discord Server so you can ask me questions and just hang with other fans. We have a meme channel. It has memes of the serial.
Pre-chapter note: The break did me a tone of good as I have 4 more chapters on top of my patreon chapters backlogged muahahahah. So much in store! Thank you for your patience.
Trigger Warning: Mention/Discussion of sexual assault/coerced sex.
Elizabeth decided to cross the bridge. As she explained it, she was far more worried about being caught on the wrong side of the river than the possibility of encountering enemies.
Frances led the company of soldiers guarding the bridge itself, whilst Martin brought up the rest of their troops.
“Ma’am—Frances, we should strip the bodies of supplies or anything useful,” said Ginger.
Frances winced, but nodded. “I agree. Take ten and see what you can get. We’ll keep watch.”
Ginger gave Frances a look that the girl couldn’t quite read, but proceeded, grabbing ten of the older convicts.
There wasn’t much to recover. Goblin gear wasn’t sized for most humans, but they took the goblin’s ammo pouches and any food they’d carried with them. However, most of the goblins were dead thanks to her spells, which… didn’t leave the bodies in the best condition.
Frances didn’t want to look at them, but she forced herself to take in their corpses. In her heart, she hoped that they’d find their rest somewhere peaceful.
Despite the wait, they weren’t attacked before the rest of the soldiers arrived with Martin. Even after they made their crossing and their supply wagons had trundled over the bridge, there was no counterattack.
It was a stroke of luck that urged the group on and soon they were clear away from the bridge, taking one of the smaller paths that snaked through the Pinewood. It wasn’t entirely smooth going, though, and the wagons got stuck several times.
“How did the army get through this foresty crap?” Ginger muttered. She and Ayax were at the head of the column, doing their best to navigate through the forest, and clear a way through if necessary. Ayax’s magic was thus rather helpful in this endeavour.
“We took barges that ran down the Silverstream under the bridge we crossed. There are roads, but as you can see, they’re not very good,” explained Ayax. She smirked, “You should be glad that we’re in the Pinewoods. The foresters keep the undergrowth fairly tamed.”
“At least we’re stopping soon,” said Ginger, looking up at the sky. It was beginning to set.
“We’re under attack!”
Ayax and Ginger spun around and charged toward the back of the column, where they heard the shots from. They passed scrambling men and women reaching for weapons, until Elizabeth suddenly stepped in front of them.
“Ginger, come with me. Ayax, stay in the front! I need you leading the column with the first company! Keep us moving!” Elizabeth bellowed.
Ayax grimaced, but nodded and turned. “Come on! Keep moving forward, get those wagons going!”
Elizabeth and Ginger continued to run down the line, until they’d reached the fight.
Frances and about thirty of their musketeers were firing at approaching enemy musketeers, using the trees as cover. About twenty foot soldiers were taking cover behind trees, but were ready, spears and swords in hand.
As for their enemy, they were ogres. Tall, broad-shouldered, human-like, but not at the same time. They were very similar to their cousins, the trolls. Both had black eyes, but unlike trolls, they didn’t have tails or pointed ears and every single one of them without exception had a mane of hair that flowed down their backs. If one got closer, one would notice they had six fingers.
At least, both sides were trying to shoot each other. The interspersed trees provided plenty of cover. Combine that with the dim light and the terrible accuracy of the muskets meant that only Frances was hitting anything.
What the ogres musket fire was doing was keeping their heads down so that their compatriots, a group of ogre soldiers, could advance, in a loose skirmishing formation. In the dim light, Elizabeth wasn’t sure how many were there, but there were a lot.
“What are your orders? We could withdraw or counterattack. They might have reinforcements, though,” Ginger pointed out.
Elizabeth pursed her lips and was about to nod, until she suddenly didn’t. “Ginger, I have an idea. I’ll be back in a minute. Frances, keep them pinned and knock down a few trees if you have to!”
Frances ducked behind a tree and shouted, “Alright!” With that she began to charge her lightning spell. Ginger however, grabbed Elizabeth’s arm.
“You’re just going to leave us?” Ginger yelled. The convict’s eyes were wild with fury, before they suddenly froze and she released Elizabeth, a horrified look on her face.
Elizabeth, taking a breath, smiled disarmingly and said, “Ginger, I’m sorry for worrying you, but I’m leaving to get our new cavalry force. Their horses should be rested enough for one charge. I need you to get our soldiers here ready to join us. Can you do that?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Ginger stammered.
“Good. I’ll see you.” Elizabeth got to her feet and dashed after their convoy.
Ginger stared at her back, before picking herself up and running to join the foot soldiers. “Right, so Elizabeth said she’s bringing reinforcements. We need to be ready to charge.”
“You sure she’s not just running?” whispered one of the convicts.
Ginger hesitated and jumped, well, everybody jumped as a crack of thunder split the air.
Frances’s spell had sent the ogres running for more cover, leaving another ten or so twitching or motionless on the ground. It also made Ginger realize something.
“The commander is not going to leave her best friend here. Just get ready,” Ginger ordered, drawing her sword. The cheap, blunt-pointed hacking blade was more of a stretched butcher’s chopper with a hilt than a sword. It was still a good weapon, though.
The musket fire coming their way had slackened to a couple of odd shots. The ogres were too busy ducking for cover from the brown-haired girl hurling lightning bolts at them.
That cover was promptly destroyed, when one of these bolts of lightning struck a tree with a crack. The tree swayed, resisted for a moment, and came crashing down, sending ogres running.
“Troops, prepare to charge!”
Ginger looked up. Elizabeth and the horsemen they’d met that morning were formed in a rough line, swords drawn.
“Prepare to charge!” Ginger echoed, getting to her feet, smiling. She’d never been so glad to be wrong. Their young commander did have a clue.
“Charge!” Elizabeth kicked her horse into a gallop, leading the horsemen through the trees. The charge wasn’t just one body, but there were enough gaps between the trees for them to pass through. The cavalry charged past Ginger, roaring, swords colored red by the setting sun.
The ogres ran. Even the foot soldiers. Ginger didn’t know why. Ogres were brave, and not the smartest. They liked fighting, though, not as much as orcs. They wouldn’t just run.
A bolt of magic sailed over their heads, exploding amidst the retreating Alavari, and it suddenly clicked for Ginger as she glanced at Frances.
The ogres did want to fight, but against a mage firing lightning bolts? When that mage was backed up by charging cavalry and foot soldiers that were hollering war cries and charging at them? Even orcs wouldn’t want to take this battle.
Ginger whooped with laughter and let herself for the moment, stop wondering about how her superiors were going to screw her over.
They didn’t get many ogres. The forest really slowed the horses down and so Elizabeth had, once the ogres were fleeing, called the charge off and had them rejoin the convoy, where the tired soldiers were given their meals.
After an apprehensive sniff, Ginger had hungrily devoured the stew, which was quite good. She had also noticed that while Frances got several bowls of stew, nobody got a different meal. The stately Ayax ate from the same bowl as the convict soldier she was sitting beside. And to Ginger’s confusion, Frances apologized twice for needing to eat more, explaining that she was a mage, and she needed more energy. It was as if she expected somebody to be annoyed for her to be taking her fair share.
It was confusing enough for Ginger to get up and decide to check the supplies. Much as she appreciated the meal, she also knew that most officers tended to think of supplies as an afterthought, especially young officers like Elizabeth.
Only, when she got to the wagon, she saw Martin seated on said wagon, frantically scribbling into a paper with his charcoal pencil.
“What you doin’?” Ginger asked.
“Calculating supplies. We used a little bit of the surplus today to reward everybody. Just want to double check to see how many meals can we make,” said Martin, not looking up. His blue eyes focused on the paper he was writing.
Ginger nodded thoughtfully. “And how much do we have?”
“If we stretch it we have enough for a week, assuming we don’t pick up any more stragglers.” Martin wrote something down and grimaced. “We might be down to hard tack, but we’ll have something to eat. We’ll have to use the fresh stuff first, though. I think we should fight only when we have that available.”
“That’s… what I was going to suggest,” said Ginger, blinking. Wringing her hands behind her back, she coughed. “Do you need any help?”
“That would be nice. Can you read?” At her nod, Martin handed her a sheaf of paper and asked her to check his figures. Ginger did find a few mistakes, but the handsome knight took them in stride and he corrected them quickly.
And the odd feeling Ginger had in her chest grew.
Early morning, the convoy… it wasn’t really a convoy any more. They had too many soldiers for that and there was a confidence in the marching humans and Alavari.
In the centre of the column though, near the wagons, the leaders of the… group? Well they were having a heated discussion.
“We’re three hundred against an entire army. We can’t win this!” Ginger hissed.
She’d spent the last thirty minutes trying to convince her superiors that the best thing to do was to end their fighting on a high note and get the hell back to the city. But for whatever reason, they weren’t convinced.
And it was surprisingly not just the Otherworlders’ faults. It was the normal people. Like Ayax, the troll, certainly brave, but perhaps too brave.
“And bring the fight to the city? That’s a terrible idea!” Ayax exclaimed.
Elizabeth nodded. “We’re in terrain that favors our smaller force and allows us to skirmish better. I understand your caution, but we should fight.”
Ginger gritted her teeth. Elizabeth wasn’t wrong, and part of her had to admit the commander’s judgement wasn’t bad. Still, fighting a larger force with a smaller one was still risky as hell.
“Our soldiers don’t have much training, though,” Frances said quietly.
Now as for Frances? Well Ginger was fine with her. She asked sharp questions or made intelligent observations. Ginger only wished she was less of a wet towel and had more backbone.
“Yes, so we need to give them more experience now, when we have some advantages,” said Elizabeth.
“That and we received orders through Frances’s mirror today from Lady Eleanor Windwhistler. We’re to do our best to hold them up while the city rallies their remaining troops,” Martin added.
Ginger glanced at the knight. She had no idea what to think of Martin. On one hand, he was incredibly level-headed and despite being a noble, didn’t mind the commoners giving their thoughts. On the other, the handsome knight had no business being so friggin good at following the rules that most nobles (and commoners) found ways to circumvent.
“How many escaped to the city by the way?” Elizabeth asked. She’d been on watch duty that night and so missed Frances’s latest conversation with her grandmother.
“Ten thousand. The other four thousand were either captured or killed. Somehow, General Yuan survived,” said Ayax. She grimaced, “Our intelligence says the Alavari have been reinforced. They have twenty thousand soldiers.”
Ginger threw her hands up. “Then they can overrun us completely. We need to leave the Pinewoods or else we’re all fucked. That they haven’t just formed a massive skirmish line and just combed the forest is a miracle.”
Elizabeth shut her eyes, rubbing her temples. “Right, I’ve made my decision. We’re going to set up an ambush on the main road through the pinewoods and hit their scouting group. After that, we’ll reevaluate. Maybe one more raid before we get out of here.”
Ginger felt faint. One more raid? Their barely blooded soldiers against the might of Thorgoth’s army? Did these teens not care about dying?
“Oh fuck you! That’ll just get us all killed! Screw our orders and the fucking city. They’re not fighting by our side! They aren’t going to be burying us!”
Ginger blinked as everybody stared at her, and that was when she realized she’d just said that out loud.
Oh no. Oh no. She braced herself, waiting for the inevitable. She’d gone too far this time.
“Ginger, I’m sorry you don’t agree, but I’ve made my decision. Do you need a moment?” Elizabeth asked.
Ginger blinked. Elizabeth was staring at her, but there was no anger, or even disdain. Instead, she, and her friends, were giving her similar looks of an emotion she barely recognized.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Ginger, we do appreciate your input and we thank you for your words of caution,” said Frances. She smiled, “And while I know we can’t agree on this, we’re glad you still told us. That being said, you seem very frustrated and tired and I know you took the sentry watch in the middle of the night. Maybe a nap might help?”
Frances was right. She was tired and irritated because of the night watch. But that wasn’t what was concerning her, and driving her mad at the same time.
“I… fine!” She left the band of crazy teenagers as fast as she could. The faster she could take a nap, the better she might feel.
When Ginger woke up, she realized that the wagon wasn’t rolling. She also found that she was covered by a blanket, and there was a flask of water next to her.
She threw the blanket off of her and grabbed the flask, emptying part of it over her head, and swigging the rest.
A knock on the wooden spar that held the wagon’s canopy made her look to the entrance to the wagon.
There was the damned knight Martin, carrying two bowls of some kind of food and a loaf of bread.
“Hey, Ginger. We just started cooking dinner. Are you feeling better?”
Yes she was. “Kinda,” she said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Food first.”
Martin handed the bowl to her and split the loaf, giving half to her. She yanked it out of his hand and ate, ignoring whatever he thought of her eating habits.
The knight ate slowly, genteely. He was a noble after all and while he did take a seat across her, all he did was eat.
“Okay what are you playing at?” Ginger demanded.
Martin took a bite from his bread. “Well I’ll be honest, I was wondering if you wanted to talk. You know, tell me a little more about yourself.”
“What’s there to tell? I’m a convict. I was a soldier. And if you want to know about my family well they’re just farmers in Leipmont.” Ginger glared at the knight, trying to figure out what the heck he wanted. He had to be beating around the bush for something.
“Well that’s a start. Got any siblings?” Martin asked, smiling.
“Yeah. Too many. I liked them enough, but I needed out of the house. Don’t think my parents want me back. Not after what I did.”
“I’m sorry about that.” Martin pursed his lips. “I have one sibling, an older sister. She’s called Mara and she’s in Roranoak with the expeditionary forces.”
“Makes sense. She’s the heir to Conthwaite.” Ginger frowned. “What are you doing with two Otherworlders and an Erlenberg mage?”
It had been a question bugging her for a while. The four made an odd group and yet, they seemed to work almost in concert. There was this closeness that was irritatingly sincere and sweet. She didn’t believe it for a second. Something else had to be keeping them together.
“Oh, well it’s a long story. I was assigned with Elizabeth to escort Frances during a mission and we became good friends. Frances got adopted by Edana Firehand, her mentor and while meeting the rest of her family in Erlenberg, Ayax joined our little group.”
Ginger blinked, hard. “And you’re all together because you’re friends?”
“Yeah. We trust each other. Plus, Edana’s on the War Council and thought we’d make a good team, which I think she’s right about,” said Martin.
“There’s no… no thing going on between you or any of your buddies?” Ginger asked.
“What thing?” Martin asked, owlishly.
“I thought you had to be sleeping with each other. I mean, one handsome knight, three pretty girls. There has to be some kind of thing going on between at least a pair of you!” Ginger squawked.
Martin’s jaw dropped and shook his head, shivering. “No. Just no. I like—no, I care about them deeply, and I think they’re pretty. But they’re not my type. Besides, I suspect Elizabeth and Ayax are going to be a thing in the future and Frances has… someone else in mind.” The knight cocked his head and gazed up at the sky, shivered again, and met Ginger’s eye. “Yeah nope.”
“What is your type then?” Ginger asked.
The knight blinked and stiffened. “Um, well. I always liked more shapely women.”
As Ginger watched Martin’s eyes, it finally clicked and she grasped why the noble had come and has been so friendly all this time. It was odd, but she could finally explain it.
The only thing she could do… was to make it easier on herself.
Ginger swallowed, put her bread aside and braced herself. “If… if you wanted to sleep with me you could just order me to.”
Martin got up so quickly he knocked his empty bowl over. “Excuse me, what?”
“It’s why you’re being so nice. You like how I look, so you want to screw me. Well whatever, get it over with. I can’t say no,” Ginger muttered, reaching to unbutton her shirt.
“No that’s not what I’m here for!” Martin exclaimed, trying to keep his voice down. He leapt off the wagon and backed away. “Ginger, what in Erisdale made you think I wanted to have sex with you?”
“You like how I look, don’t you?” Ginger asked, frowning now, hands frozen at her shirt buttons. She knew she was right about how the knight looked at her. It was very different from how he’d looked at his female friends. Those looks were… brotherly, and proud. That wasn’t how he looked at her. Sometimes he seemed to be curious, and concerned, but no, he definitely liked how she looked. She’d seen similar glances directed at her by other men and women.
“Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean I would order you to—Oh shit.” Martin covered his mouth. “Someone else ordered you?”
“Well no, but someone was going to one day—Wait, you didn’t want to fuck me?” Ginger spluttered. She stared at Martin. This didn’t make any sense.
“No! You are pretty, but you don’t want me to do that to you so of course I won’t!”
“Why does it matter? You don’t have to give a damn about what I feel. I’ve had handlers who’d use the seal because I gave them backtalk.” Ginger shrugged. “Just tell me what you want already.”
“I just wanted to get to know you and see if you were alright after your outburst!” Martin groaned and grabbed his head. “Gods damn it all, it’s almost as bad as talking to Frances! Look, Ginger, we, that is myself, Frances, Elizabeth and Ayax don’t want to use this stupid seal and we think this whole mage-maked convict soldier business is despicable! Oh Gods, don’t tell me… Does every convict think the same way as you do and is just waiting for us to use it?”
Staring at Martin, Ginger walked up to him, hands by her side. “You don’t want to use the seal. Really? What a load of horse crap.”
“It’s true!”
“What if I tried to stab you, huh? What if I attacked you? What if I disobeyed an order of yours? What if we disagreed on strategy?” Ginger demanded, stalking closer to the knight, her eyes on his face, watching his bushy blonde eyebrows rise.
“We don’t punish soldiers for disagreeing. If you disobeyed or breached military law we’d discipline you according to military law,” Martin stammered.
“Easy to say that over your dead body? What if I had tied you, flat on your back. Had you at my mercy?” Ginger hissed, she stepped right into Martin’s personal space, her teeth almost bumping into his nose. She was taller than the knight after all. “What if I kissed that cute nose of yours and forced myself on you? Would you still not use the command spell then?”
Martin didn’t meet Ginger’s eyes, but somehow, whether it was his honor, or self-control, he didn’t reach for his sword. “I don’t know. I really don’t know what I would do then. What I do know…” The knight’s bright blue eyes looked up at her. “I know you wouldn’t do that. You’re a good person.”
Crazy bitch.
Evil whore.
You’re a good person.
Ginger stepped back. The feeling in her chest was back again and she didn’t like it. She liked it and didn’t like it at all. She’d felt that before, always before the worst days of her life.
“I’m not,” she hissed. “I’m the crazy murder lady, remember.”
Martin shook his head. “You killed a literal rapist. And you bet I’m telling my mom, the Magistrate of Conthwaite, about this convict soldier mage-mark insanity when I get a chance.” The knight took a deep breath and sighed. “Look, I know you don’t believe me, and I won’t ask you to trust me. So take the time you need, just… don’t stop talking and if you need more time before we get into another battle, let me know. But I’d be glad to have you helping.”
Ginger watched the knight leave, trudging off into the camp they’d set up. She stared at the short boy—no, man’s back.
She didn’t want to believe him. She didn’t want to trust him, but… despite herself, she was starting to.-
Author's Note: So yeah, Ginger's had it rough. I know having convicts with some kind of magic seal is common in other stories, but I can't unsee the amount of potential for abuse here so, there.
Question of the update: If Fractured Song was to become a published book, what medium would you get it in? E book? Paperback? Hardback? Also, who'd you love to be on the cover? Obviously Frances, but who else?
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

UFC 258 Fight Predictions

Hello everyone!
I apologise sincerely for the delay in predictions this week, I had a lot happening, Blood tests for glucose levels and such, a Job interview, overall not feeling super well, but I didn't want to let you guys down.
This is a fun card, not an amazingly stacked card, but a fun one, and an end to the question "Can two team mates destroy each other in the Octagon?".
(c) - Champ
(D) - Debut
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in Division
Lets go!
Women’s Flyweight
Gillian Robertson (#13) (9-5-0, NS) v Miranda Maverick (8-2-0, 6 FWS) - This is an incredible match up. Robertson is a savage, one of the most underrated and dangerous submission artists in the division who hasn’t really gotten a strong hold on climbing the ranks. Regardless of her record, she has an excellent ground game, she works incredibly hard to get the fight to the ground, and when she does, she instantly works for a submission position, and most of the time, that works and her opponents succumb to pressure and present their neck or limb. Now, a lot of her opponents are aware of the threats on the ground and now work to avoid and defend takedowns, and thus keep the fight on the feet. This is key for Maverick, and I firmly believe that Maverick can quickly outpower Robertson, she’s an incredibly physically strong fighter who has great power in her hands, and being so young in her career. She has made great strides in her career since her debut in Invicta in which she dominated most of her fights. She has pretty effective striking, and she throws leather when needed, but most of her best work is done on the ground, she’s a very good submission artist and even though she’s probably not going to force the fight to the ground against a great grappler like Robertson, she would know how to get out of submission positions and work back to the feet. I love Robertson, she’s an animal, but she’s relatively one dimensional, and I love what I see in Miranda. So, another hype train i'm gonna ride for a little longer…
Maverick via KO R2
Gabe Green (9-3-0, NS) v Philip Rowe (D) (7-2-0, 7 FWS) - This is a great fight between two newcomers, Green had a fantastic debut against Rodriguez, and even though he did lose, he did manage to put on an incredible performance, he even came in as a late replacement so this wasn’t a full camp performance and yet he still landed 120 plus strikes, and he ate shots from Daniel Rodrigeuz for 15 minutes, it was a beautiful, violent fight. I love how Green fights, he has an interesting defensive shell and he gives off a lot of different looks that allowed him to land a few decent shots on Rodriguez. Green will no doubt look a little bit different this time around because he has had a full camp and is more prepared for this fight. Rowe has turned around his career since his two back to back losses at the start of his professional career. Nothing but submissions and knockouts on his record, but in regards to this fight, he has one major advantage and that’s his reach, he’s very long, and has a 7.5 inch reach advantage, if he can avoid the pressure of Green (and Green is the type of fighter to push forward nonstop), and maybe take the fight to the ground, I can see Rowe getting a slick submission in, because from what I can see when it comes to Green’s chin, it’s pretty damn solid. So the best bet for Rowe in my opinion is to take it to the ground, and slip in a choke.
Rowe via Sub R2
Ricky Simon (17-3-0, 2 FWS) v Brian Kelleher (22-11-0, NS) - Any fight that has Ricky Simon in it, sign me up to watch it end to end because Simon is a specimen. I could easily copy and paste what i wrote about Simon when he fought Pirrello, but this time it’s a little bit different, it’s at featherweight and he will no doubt be carrying more mass, exuding more energy when he throws punches, or slams opponents, and that’s a bit dangerous when coming against someone who has fought in Featherweight beforehand in Kelleher, but the skillset and the power will still be there, i’m just weary about his cardio, Simon has excellent cardio at Bantamweight, but at Featherweight that’s a whole different question. Simon is incredible at creating pressure and throwing everything he has into every round, wild striking, vicious wrestling and a non-stop pace that is as exhausting for us as it is for his opponent, and that’s a good thing. Simon is facing a very durable and experienced, well rounded fighter in Kelleher though. Kelleher has an interesting array of techniques, with his signature, most mastered technique being a guillotine, but his stance (a somewhat blocky wrestling/striking hybrid) allows him to stand firm, defend any takedowns and throw hard, and with Kellehers proclivity to takedown and wrestle, his stance also allows him to dip and level change effortlessly, he’s a very good wrestler as well so he has a huge variety of weapons he can use to defeat Simon, but honestly, i’m still riding a Simon hype train, and I feel like by the time Kelleher throws something, Simon would be somewhere else, out of view and attacking, Simon is fast, durable, exceptionally well rounded and always entertains. Lets go Simon!
Simon via UD
Catchweight (140)
Andre Ewell (17-6-0, 2 FWS) v Chris Gutierrez (15-3-2, NS) - This is an interesting match up. Ewell is someone who a lot of people kinda overlook because of how talent rich the division is, but if there’s one thing you need to keep an eye out for with Ewell, it’s his volume, he just throws, and throws, and throws. He is a kickboxer at heart, and his length and range allow him to adjust his style of attacking to fit the situation. He can keep at bay aggressive fighters by hitting then evading, he can push forward relatively aggressively, but he’s somewhat smart about his range whenever he strikes. His left straight is by far his best weapon, but he does have one flaw, and that is he looks maybe too loose on the feet at times, if you look at the Jonathan Martinez fight, you’ll notice that he was milliseconds away from being cleanly hit by Martinez’s super fast kicks, you can’t take that risk when you fight someone like Gutierrez. Gutierrez is a powerful striker, everything he throws is just… dangerous, and sharp, and has the shortest travel time from Point A to B, it’s pretty awesome to watch him get loose in the octagon, landing heavy leg kicks, body kicks, combo’s, anything really, The way he methodically dismantled Morales was beautiful, those leg kicks were powerful, landing in the same spot over and over again. Gutierrez landed 36 leg kicks in that fight I believe. He had a gameplan and he followed it through. He will need to do the same to disable the aggression from Ewell, chop at those legs, bring Ewells hands lower than they sometimes already are, then target the head. That’s what I feel like will happen.
Gutierrez via KO R3
Women’s Strawweight
Polyana Viana (11-4-0, NS) v Mallory Martin (7-3-0, NS) - Odd little tidbit I noticed, this is the second Strawweight fight of 2021, both the Bantamweight and Flyweight divisions have way more fights, so i’m glad Strawweight is getting a little bit of love. Viana is a great submission artist, she’s always looking for the fight to go to the ground so she can work her magic, Viana is like a snake on the ground, always finding the better positions to fire off a few submission attempts, and whilst her striking isn’t exactly clean or effective, that threat of being knocked out is always going to be there. Martin has a solid stand up game, she’s got decent striking and mixes her attacks very well, and I strongly feel that she will want to keep this fight standing otherwise she’s going to get outworked on the ground. I’m not too sure about who is going to win this fight though, if it goes to the ground Viana has a solid chance of getting the win, but Mallory is a tough striker to beat, and I’m not too sure if Viana will want to risk a striking exchange. This could be a methodical, boring fight, i’m not too hype about this fight, but overall i’ll be leaning on Martin to win.
Martin via UD
Dhiego Lima (15-7-0, 3 FWS) v Belal Muhammad (#15) (17-3-0, 3 FWS) - An incredible match up to start this event. Lima is a super tough fighter, and whilst he hasn’t had a finish in quite a while, he still puts on pretty decent performances. Recently his performances haven’t been super good, throwing but not landing, grappling seems to be his main weapon, but with how inactive Lima has been, and how sporadic his fighting timeline has been, it’s pretty hard to see too many positives in comparison to the rise that Belal Muhammad has had in recent years. Muhammad is an animal at the moment, his style makes it very difficult to take him on, or even read him. He has two major threats for most of his opponents, his wrestling and his powerful, crashing right hand. He typically dips to level change but then launches that right hand. His wrestling is incredible and he is quite controlling when it comes to the ground game. Everything about Belal is something I like to see in a developing fighter. I can see Lima getting hit brutally over and over with those power right hands, then taken down and eventually submitted.
Muhammad via Sub R3
Rodolfo Vieira (7-0-0, 7 FWS) v Anthony Hernandez (7-2-0, NS) - A very interesting fight, and it’s always good to see an undefeated heavy favourite put his streak on the line. Vieira is a submission specialist, not a submission artist, a specialist, that’s a whole different level of whoa. Over 100 grappling bouts, multiple gold medals and tournament wins, Vieira is one of the most accredited grapplers that the UFC has at the moment, that’s still young and still has a chance to show off his striking, but holy crap he’s a solid grappler… he won 5 championships in 3 years, that’s not only impressive, but on a whole different level of skill. He’s called the Black Belt Hunter for a reason and well, Hernandez is going to go to sleep if he’s not careful. Hernandez has had a rough time in the UFC, and i’m hoping they’re giving him this fight not to beef up Vieira, but to give Hernandez an excuse to stay in the UFC. Hernandez has had some decent wins in his career, but most of those wins were in LFA. In the UFC he hasn’t been too successful, his recent loss against Holland kinda showed me that he isn’t great at being pressured, and if Vieira pushes forward, works hard for a takedown and absolutely dominates from there, I don’t see Hernandez getting the upper hand on the ground, he has a punchers chance but I mean… Vieira is a phenom at the moment, a rare addition to the UFC and i’m on the train, first class tickets!
Vieira via Sub R1
Main Card
Julian Marquez (7-2-0, NS) v Maki Pitolo (13-7-0, 2 FLS) - It’s a shame that 2020 was a horrible year for Pitolo. Marquez is coming back from a 2 year hiatus, after suffering a heavy loss at the hands of Alessio Di Chirico, or as we now probably call him, the Hype Train Derailer. Marquez is a powerhouse, he explodes and lands incredibly hard, he has insane power in his hands and everything he does has that extra oomph that you can probably hear in a full arena. Marquez however is somewhat one dimensional with his style, he loves to strike, he loves chaos and hates order, and that’s going to be dangerous for Pitolo because numerous times we’ve seen Pitolo succumb to pressure. Pitolo is a mad man, don’t get me wrong, he has insane striking, he’s wild, a showman and someone who you really want to see fight for a while, but he can’t go one on one against Marquez and think “i’ll just go wild”, he needs to keep Marquez pushing him for the first round, see where the cardio holds up (I don’t think Marquez has much cardio because of how explosive he is), and then start attacking him in the second or third, but again, it’s hard for me to tell how good a returning fighter is cardio wise, so this is a very rough prediction. I’m leaning on the Cuban Missile Crisis to win this one though.
Marquez via KO R1
Bobby Green (27-11-1, NS) v Jim Miller (32-15-0, NS) - Green is lowkey one of my most favourite fighters, the amount of work he does in the octagon is pretty impressive, especially when you watch his fight against Vannata, that fight will go down as a classic I can assure you. Green has gorgeous boxing, he’s incredibly crisp and fast with his punches, and he has his wrestling to add even more frustration and drain his opponents of their gas. Green had one set back during 2020 and that was against the incredibly talented Thiago Moises. Green has every skill that one would need to succeed in the UFC, especially with his crisp boxing and head movement, he’s going to be a dangerous fighter for Miller who has a more grapple heavy approach. Miller has had some significant wins over his very extensive career, recently submitting Clay Guida, Roosevelt Roberts and Jason Gonzalez to name a few, Miller is a dangerous, dangerous grappler, he can strike though but not to great efficiency, he mostly uses his striking to set up a takedown, where he does his most effective work. Miller is on a rough run at the moment, ever since losing to Anthony Pettis, or even prior to that against Poirier, he hasn’t really strung together any major streaks, a win here and there, but nothing to great significance, and since this is the Lightweight division we’re talking about, significance is important. I have Green in this fight, he can keep this fight on the feet, keep at a distance and keep striking, he’ll win this one.
Green via UD
Kelvin Gastelum (#11) (16-6-0, 3 FLS) v Ian Heinisch (#15) (14-3-0, NS) - This is going to be beautiful. Gastelum has incredible boxing, he’s the only one that gave Israel Adesanya trouble on the feet by using his beautiful pressure and interesting hopping technique that got him into range. Gastelum is on a losing streak but he has faced incredibly tough challenges. He went to war with Adesanya, he fought a highly technical bout against Till and has now lost to the submission artist in Hermansson. He is now facing the wild and explosive Ian Heinisch, which is going to be a brutally tough fight because Heinisch is pretty damn aggressive and has explosive takedowns that come with his explosive strikes, overall, Heinisch is an explosive dude and a perfect matchup for a methodical and tactical boxer like Gastelum. Heinisch is someone who is always improving, so there’s no doubt that what you saw in 2020 will be what you get in 2021 and more. That makes me wonder what his game plan will be, whether he will come in with a wrestling heavy approach to negate the power that Gastelum has on his feet, or if he’ll be incredibly aggressive and keep Gastelums back glued to the fence. Either way, Heinisch is going to be unpredictable, and I think it will be a true test of what Gastelum can accomplish if he can handle Heinisch. This is a great fight, one that I don’t want to overtalk this fight because well, it’s hard predicting a fighter on a losing streak, to win, i’ve done that one too many times (Michael Johnson being the most recent one) and it didn’t turn out how I expected… So this is a risky prediction, but War Gastelum!
Gastelum via KO R2
Co-Main Event
Women’s Flyweight
Maycee Barber (#9) (8-1-0, NS) v Alexa Grasso (12-3-0, NS) - An interesting fight to say the least. Barber is coming off a heavy loss and a horrible injury to her knee, so there’s a lot of variables coming into this fight. Barber has always been an incredibly aggressive and tough fighter, she pushes forward, launching punch after punch that can overwhelm her opponents, she put away Robertson very effectively, bloodied up Cifers and destroyed Aldrich. She’s no doubt still a prospect and if she can get past Grasso then that certifies her prospect status in the Flyweight division. The one thing i'm worried about is her knee… It was probably her first ever injury and that would hang on your mind for quite a while. Barber is going to have to get past the excellent boxing of Grasso if she is to win this one though, and that’s going to be pretty tough. Grasso has made her rounds in the UFC before, facing pretty much every up and comer that the UFC threw at her, Grasso is yet to get a solid winning streak going and her main weakness seems to be her ground game, She doesn’t have the best takedown defence, nor the best defensive submissions, her main style is her boxing, and if she can avoid the ground with Barber and keep the fight on the feet, I can see Grasso getting the upper hand. But Barber is a solid, solid prospect and one minor setback isn’t going to hurt her. Barber is still a very promising fighter and i’m gonna lean on her a little bit longer.
Barber via UD
Main Event
Welterweight Championship bout
Kamaru Usman (c) (17-1-0, 16 FWS) v Gilbert Burns (#4) (19-3-0, 6 FWS) - A fight that we all needed to see. Every match up has happened but this one. Usman is an athletic freak, he’s one of the most durable and strongest welterweights in the division right now, his wrestling is incredible, his striking is somewhat great, his cardio is neverending, and he has defeated the best the welterweight division has to offer, all but one. So many people think Usman is boring, the whole footstomp meme is everywhere this week and whilst it’s a good chuckle, I feel like some people are sleeping on the potential that this guy has. There is so much story behind this fight, training partners, Usman leaving his own gym to train with Wittman (which is a pretty great substitute), we might see a change in style from Usman, because I highly doubt he will wrestle with Burns considering Burns is one of the best BJJ practitioners in the welterweight division. I feel like Usman will try to trade hands with Burns, or at least grapple against the fence but not on the ground. Burns is one of the most improved fighters of the division, he was mostly a submission artist but in the last year or two, we have seen him become far more comfortable on the feet, and that throws off a lot of his opponents. His ability to change and adapt, and include striking to his skillset is second to none the best change I have seen in a fighter. It’s kinda like when Gaethje finally learnt to become patient and we saw an upgrade to Gaethje’s skill set. This is what is happening to Burns at the moment, we are seeing a newborn striker who carries significant power and isn’t afraid to show it. This is a super tough fight to predict. Both fighters have a solid chance of winning… but I feel like Usman will be holding onto that gold a little longer. I’m feeling a little ballsy with this prediction.
Usman via KO R4
And that's it!
Again, sorry for the late predictions, been a stupid crazy week.
f you wish to support me please message me and i can provide details on how you can do so.
If you would like to follow me on twitter, you can find me @Slayer_Tip or if you want, add me on discord and we can have a super friendly chat about all things MMA: Slayertip#7013
Lets have a fun discussion down below, let me know if you agree/disagree with my picks :)
But for now, have a beautiful week, take care of yourselves :)
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The Cryopod to Hell 265: Humanity, Encircled

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 1,115,000+ words long, and we are all caught up to the main sub on HFY! For more information, check out the link below:
What is the Cryopod to Hell?
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Here's a list of all Cryopod's chapters, along with an ePub/Mobi/PDF version!
(Previous Part)
(Part 001)
AUTHOR NOTE: I corrected a big error in Part 264! Read about it here!
Day One, Hour Seventeen, at the western edge of the Horned Forest.
Phoebe Hiro and her army tentatively hold the line as countless waves of demons and undead swarm at them from the Warpgate encampment. No longer sealed off, it hums with energy, spewing out Hell's minions one after another, their numbers neverending.
Not only does the Warpgate remain open, but dozens of Warper portals surround the Warpgate Encampment, allowing even more demons to flow forth unceasingly. With so many demons spread out over such a vast area, Phoebe recalls all of humanity's forces to Hero City, placing them in defensive formations on the north, west, south, and eastern edges to hold the demons back. Innumerable enemies swallow up the midday landscape, blotting out the horizon.
A communication signal beeps inside Phoebe's helmet. She lifts her cannon to fire another volley of projectiles before opening a comm channel.
"Yes, this is Commander Hiro speaking! What is it? Over."
Elder Skarde, currently assigned in the center of Hero City to guide its defenses, speaks in earnest. "Commander, I just finished checking the bio-data from our troopers' suits. For the past hour, not one of our soldiers have healed from their injuries. I don't know why, but it appears your husband has stopped supporting us from the backline. Over."
Phoebe, still wearing her fifteen-foot-tall demonstone exosuit, raises her right arm to fire a hail of volatile projectiles into the demon army's backline. They explode into bits of shrapnel, ripping through any fleshy bodies in the vicinity.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Phoebe groans. "Goddamn it, Jason! Why would you leave at a time like this? Don't tell me he exhausted himself from Wordsmithing too much? Fuck! I bet that's exactly what happened!"
After swearing like a sailor for a few seconds, Phoebe grits her teeth and refocuses her attention.
"Never mind that. Elder Skarde, assume that we won't have Jason around to heal anyone. Position our troops in such a way that we can minimize our casualties. Start evacuating the civilians onto the transport ships. Get as many people to Moonbase Kelkin as you possibly can. Over."
Elder Skarde falls silent for a moment.
"That base can't support more than a few thousand people, Commander, and the ten Covenant ships can only save 200,000 people at most. Excluding the hundred and fifty thousand troops we've lost today, we still have more than three and a half million humans and monsters within Hero City's confines. Over."
"I'm aware," Phoebe mutters. "You'll have to decide who stays and who goes, Elder. Prioritize humans over monsters. I want a split of sixty percent children, thirty percent women, and ten percent men. Over."
"Commander, I... yes. I'll do as you command," The man replies, his voice low. "Elder Skarde, out."
The line goes dead, and Phoebe resumes her attack.
"I'm sorry, Elder..." Phoebe mutters, speaking to nobody in particular. "It's selfish of me to put this burden on your shoulders. Even so, someone has to decide who lives and who dies. I'm too biased. I could never choose among all of the friends I've made. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me."
She stomps toward the frontlines, hatred smoldering in her chest.
"One hundred and fifty thousand... that's how many humans and monsters these demons have killed. Unforgiveable. Ose... when I get my hands on you... I'll tear you in half!"
Phoebe storms toward the frontlines, where her soldiers have hastily erected dozens of heavy steel barricades. The men and women at the front bravely fire at their enemies, cutting them down mere feet from the final barriers. Snipers wearing Hummer suits hover in the air above, picking off the strongest Grunts and Lords wherever possible, while a half-dozen gigantic mech suits and nearly fifty armored tanks swallow up the backlines and middle ground, shelling the demons from a distance. Every cannon fired wipes out a handful of demons, slaughtering humanity's enemies ten times faster than the demons can kill them. Even so, the hordes of demons never slow down for even a second.
"I'm here!" Phoebe yells, as she aims her Zeus Strike cannon at a big clump of demons. She pulls the trigger and fires a heavy shell forward. It rips through dozens of demons in the blink of an eye, traveling like an angry bowling ball through an unending line of pins. After flying more than fifty meters, it explodes with a terrific bang, killing dozens more demons.
Phoebe clicks the trigger again, only for Centurion to blare a notice in her ear. "ZEUS STRIKE CANNON IS COOLING DOWN. YOU MUST WAIT FIFTEEN SECONDS BEFORE FIRING AGAIN."
With her right arm engulfed by the heavy cannon, Phoebe drops to her knees, grabs a heavy machinegun from a nearby weapon box, and takes aim with her left.
Brrt! Brrrt! Brrrrrrt!
She fires into the demonic hordes, mowing them down without even bothering to aim. Every bullet finds a target, so thick is the horde's composition.
"They just keep coming!" A nearby trooper shouts, his voice wavering. "I-I must've fired a million bullets already!"
"Then shoot a million more!" A female trooper replies, only glancing at him for a split second. "If these fuckers want to kill us, then we'll drag as many of them down with us as we can!"
Phoebe laughs. "Hah! That's the spirit!"
She resumes her assault, using her Zeus cannon whenever it cools down, but otherwise sticking to her machinegun.
After several minutes, a female voice speaks from behind Phoebe. "There you are!"
Phoebe spins around in surprise. "Samantha? Wait, what are you doing here? Are you okay? I heard about the hospital!"
Belial, wearing what can only be described as a fetishy swimsuit, shakes her head. "There's nothing left. Your teleportation doohickey got destroyed. Jason healed me and refilled my mana, and so, I decided to come here."
Phoebe nods. "Alright. Perfect timing. I have some soldiers over there, they got injured badly. If you could heal them up-"
"No, Phoebe," Belial says, her voice oddly calm. "I didn't come here to heal anyone. I came here to fight."
The Second Emperor of demonkind balls her hands into fists, then flexes her muscles.
"I lost too many people in that hospital, Phoebe. I'm here for blood."
"B-blood?" Phoebe asks. "What do you mean? That's not like you. You've always told me you hated violence."
"I did," Belial growls. "And I still do. But Phoebe, these demons... they almost killed my precious niece. They almost killed you. I won't let that happen again. I'm sorry if this changes your opinion of me, but I can't stand on the sidelines anymore. Rather, I won't. I'm going to remind my species why I'm the Second Emperor. I'm going to remind them why even Bael fears me."
Something about Belial's tone catches Phoebe offguard. She gazes at her best friend for several seconds without saying anything, then slowly nods.
"I understand. Don't worry, Sam. I wouldn't hate you for wanting revenge on scumbags. I just worry you might be going against your inner self. You don't have to force yourself to fight."
"Oh, but I do," Belial answers, her tone decisive. "Without me, the odds you'll win this war are extremely low. Don't worry about my safety... if I can battle Archangels and come out alive, a sea of Grunts, Lords, Barons, and Dukes won't slow me down in the slightest."
Belial's figure changes shape. Her legs and thighs grow noticeably more muscular, while her arms turn into bone scythes attached to whip-like appendages. Her face deforms, turning noticeably more monstrous as she grows several layers of teeth, like a Great White Shark.
"This appearance..." Belial growls, while glancing at her body. "...expresses perfectly the way I feel! I'll show the demons what it means to face a true monster!"
Like lightning, Belial bolts forward, leaps over the heads of a dozen soldiers, and lands amidst the incessant hail of gunfire and demon bodies.
Slash! Slash! Slash!
Belial's blade arms whip around in a tornado of fury, decapitating a dozen demons within seconds. She charges into the flood of enemies, continuously reaping lives no matter what direction she travels.
All the while, Phoebe gazes at her best friend's fading figure with a mixture of sadness and despair.
"Sammy..." Phoebe mutters. "What happened to you? Who made you suffer enough to become... that?"
Across Tarus II's surface, Ose's Warpers continue creating more and more portals, encircling Hero City from all directions. The city's Environmental Shield prevents them from opening rifts inside its confines, but below the cliff-lines of Hero City's elevated plateau, no such limiter exists.
Having retreated from the frontlines hours ago, Brunhilda and the other Felorians swap out with a fresh regiment of soldiers at Hero City's northern border, feeling a momentary surge of relief as they finally get to retreat to the backlines for a breather.
Brunhilda and one of her sisters, Sariah, slump against a rock just below the city's cliffside border while splashing water on their skin. Their bodies ache with exhaustion. Their eyes droop as the sweet release of sleep calls out to them.
"So... so many demons..." Sariah mutters. "They never stop coming. How can we possibly survive?"
Brunhilda rubs her hands against her face furiously, desperately trying to soak the liquid into her pores. "I don't know, sister. I don't know. But still, you must have faith! The Wind Mother protected us earlier. As long as we pray to her, she will guide us to victory!"
"I hope you are right," Sariah whispers.
While the two of them chat, a lightly bearded fellow hurries over in their direction. "Ah! You two are Felorians? The ones just pulled back from the front?"
Brunhilda turns to look at him, noting his white and purple robes. "Yes. And you are?"
"My name is Saul," The man says, as he reaches around behind himself to retrieve a backpack. "It's fine if you don't know me; I'm nobody important. Let's see here, umm... right, here are a few energy and ration bars. Personally, I think they taste quite good. They'll help you restore your stamina and get a good night's rest."
He pulls out several neatly-wrapped energy bars, then hands them over to the women. They accept the bars with faint smiles before sighing.
"Sir Saul," Sariah says, "Have you any word from the frontlines? We Felorians don't wear those metal suits, you see, so we aren't aware of the overall situation."
Saul slings the backpack around his shoulders once again. "I'm afraid I don't know much more than you. Last I heard, the demons started summoning portals around the city. We're completely surrounded. Miss Hiro is off fighting on the frontlines, the Hero started healing people and sealing off the portals remotely, and I think a few demons slipped past the barrier, because the hospital got destroyed! It's dreadful news, dreadful indeed."
"You said the Hero healed people remotely?" Brunhilda inquires.
"Mhm, yes. I heard a few soldiers mention it. Commander Hiro transmitted a message to all the troops informing them that her husband had returned, but was keeping his distance from the battlefield. Evidently, he's been shielding and healing injured soldiers with his Wordsmith magic."
"Oh..." Sariah mutters, glancing at her sister with embarrassment. "Well, I guess it wasn't the Wind Mother after all."
"Pardon?" Saul asks.
"Nothing... it's nothing."
Both women quickly unwrap their energy bars and bite down, savoring the taste of vanilla, nutmeg, and chocolate, all mixed together with a slightly fruity tang.
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I still have many many soldiers to visit," Saul says, jerking his thumb toward his backpack. "Thousands of troopers are swapping out now, and all of them are exhausted and famished."
Brunhilda nods. "Your assistance is appreciated, Brother Saul. I thank you for these delicious crunchy bars."
"Anytime," Saul says, offering a quick wave. He runs off, leaving both women behind.
Once Saul leaves, Sariah smiles shyly. "That man was... quite attractive."
"Agreed," Brunhilda replies. "He looked like the sort of fellow who could build an empire. A fine mate for any woman."
"Ugh, there you go with that leader-talk," Sariah groans, nudging her sister playfully. "Anyway, once we finish eating, let's hurry to bed. I'm so tired I could sleep for a week!"
"Sadly, we don't have that much time..." Brunhilda mutters. She glances toward the north, where the demonic hordes continue pressing against mankind's wall of guns and blades. "We'll need to keep our rest minimal. Every minute we sleep, another brother or sister will die."
Sariah lowers her eyes. "I'm sorry, sister. I didn't mean to be so insensitive."
"Don't apologize, it isn't your fault," Brunhilda says.
She caresses Sariah's cheek for a moment, then stands up and walks away.
Hero City's southern border.
Lieutenant Samuel guides a massive platoon of soldiers and mechas to defend against the second-largest horde of demons on either of Hero City's four sides. Having long-since lost the prisons, they can only slowly retreat while continuously blasting away any demons who get within striking distance.
"God fucking damn it!" Samuel bellows. "Just die already! If I had a god-damned nuke, I'd blow you all to kingdom come!"
He wears the same Rhino suit as always, now fully repaired thanks to Jason's Wordsmithing. Using his armor like a wrecking ball, the Lieutenant engages in combat with a pair of Baron demons, one of them wielding fire magic, and the other, a sound manipulator.
The fire-type Baron, Greedle, cackles evilly. "You're a tough one, human! But I'm the second-best fire-spitter after Beelzebub himself! I'll roast you in that tin-pot you call 'armor,' nyehehe!"
The sound-type Baron, Trinnic, says nothing. Instead, she flickers from side to side, her body turning transparent whenever any attack comes close to hitting her. She transforms herself into a sound-wave, then instantly arrives at Samuel's side.
A deafening thundershock strikes Samuel, flinging him to his left. Despite the unexpected attack, Samuel's suit instantly compensates, shifting its molecular mass to its right leg and stomping down to stop his flight. He reorients himself in midair and whirls to face Trinnic.
A wrist-mounted machine gun on Samuel's right arm unloads three dozen bullets at Trinnic in an instant, but the Baron flickers away like a ghost, evading Samuel's attack.
With his attention on Trinnic, Samuel fails to follow Greedle's movements. The fire-type Baron conjures fiery elemental armor onto his hands, heating them to nearly two-thousand degrees Fahrenheit. He lunges toward Samuel and swipes his claws in a downward arc, tearing through the heavily-reinforced nanites on Samuel's chest.
"Aaaaargh!" Samuel screams. The scorching heat instantly invades his suit, making him leap backward. His suit's interior jumps thirty degrees, all but cooking him alive. "Fuck, fuck! Mayday! I can't take these two by myself!"
Greedle grins like a Cheshire cat. He lunges forward and raises his claw to aim for Samuel's head. With the human disoriented from the heat, he hasn't a chance of resisting.
At that moment, from the skies above...
A single bullet fires from an elevated vantage point. Greedle, too excited at the thought of killing the human commander before him, fails to detect the bloodlust aimed in his direction. A sniper bullet strikes him dead between his eyes, ripping apart his skull and flinging him backward.
He hits the ground like a sack of dead puppies, only offering one final spasm before his magic dissipates, never to be seen again.
"Greedle!!" Trinnic shouts, breaking her silence. Enraged by her lover's defeat, she manipulates the power of sound to create a vibrating sound-blade, a sword capable of cutting through anything, provided she can make contact with it. "You devil-damned fleshbag! I won't let you leave here alive!!"
Samuel's nanites expel the excess heat detected in his suit while also repairing the molten claw-marks Greedle left behind. Even so, they can't regenerate fast enough to deflect Trinnic's incoming attack.
"Oh, shit!" Samuel shouts, as he watches the Baron charge.
"I'm here to help," A voice says through his intercom. Samuel recognizes the voice as belonging to Corporal Hurent, but he doesn't get even a second to respond. Trinnic charges him with her soundblade at the ready. Her Baron-level speed, further enhanced by her manipulation of sound, turns her into an agile combatant. She flickers past a half-dozen other commandos in her path, ignoring their existences as if they don't matter in the slightest.
In less than a second, she clears the five-hundred foot gap, swinging her sword against Samuel's armor with the fury of a hurricane. A sound not unlike a chainsaw grinding against metal erupts in the air, making everyone nearby grit their teeth in pain.
Alarms go off inside Samuel's armor as Centurion warns him about the suit's rapid drop in hull integrity. He tries to punch Trinnic away, but she merely flickers out of existence for an instant, ducks under Samuel's clumsy attack, and stabs him in the back.
"I'll kill you, filthy fleshbag!" Trinnic screeches. "I'll melt your brains into glop!"
Above the field, Corporal Hurent fires a few rounds at Trinnic, but the Baron always escapes death by turning into a living soundwave and flickering out of existence. Every time her body hums, she accelerates to half the speed of sound, improving her reflexes and coordination to well beyond superhuman levels.
"Lieutenant!" Corporal Hurent cries. "I can't land a clean shot! She's too fast!"
Several troopers arrive on the scene. Armed with energy rifles, they begin peppering the area around Samuel with photonic projectiles, each one releasing a weak burst of energy during their flight. Trinnic cries out in pain when one of the bullets, instead of phasing through her, crashes against her skin and releases waves of radiation inside her stomach. "Aaargh!"
She flickers away from Samuel, hatred still burning in her eyes. Despite her rage, she quickly realizes the newly-arrived troopers must possess weapons capable of taking down immaterial demons, such as herself.
"Tch! Little pests! You won't get in my way!"
Trinnic desummons her sword and rushes toward the troopers. She claps her hands and fires a sound-blast at them to send them flying, then spins on her heel and flickers toward Samuel again, rearing her hand back to deliver the killing blow.
Unexpectedly, a huge figure comes stomping toward Trinnic from her left. She whips her head in that direction, only to see a heavily armored Minotaur bellowing angrily, his gauntlet glowing a fierce purple.
Yamir, the head chef for the Hiro household, swings his fist forward and opens his palm. A blast of mana fires from his hand, making Trinnic's heart jump in fright.
A royal minotaur?! But they shouldn't be-
Trinnic doesn't finish her thought. The chaotic mana strikes her left shoulder and flings her to the right, where she crashes into the ground with a muffled yelp. Her body re-enters the physical realm just in time for her head to crash against a boulder.
Her skull bursts open from the impact, spewing her brains out and killing her instantly.
Yamir stomps his hooves into the dirt and grinds to a stop just ten feet from Samuel.
"Hmph! Lieutenant. Are you alright?"
Samuel sags to his knees. "Cough, cough... I'm alive."
"Your bio-signs indicate you have suffered severe burns to your chest and neck. Please fall back to the medical lines to receive first aid."
The Lieutenant nods. "Ugh... yeah. Feels that way. Alright... I'll be back in a bit. Oh, and uh... thanks for the assist."
Yamir bows his head respectfully. "Speak no more of this matter. I am certain you will save my hide many times in the coming days."
Without any other words, Samuel departs, leaving Yamir behind.
Immediately after the human leaves, Yamir quickly charges forward and arrives at Trinnic's corpse. He stomps her brains into goop, then blasts her body with magical energy. After horrifically ruining her corpse, he turns to look for Greedle's body, but finds nothing.
The Minotaur activates his comm system. "Attention, all troops. This is Captain Yamir speaking. Remember! If you kill any demon, but especially a Lord, a Baron, or perhaps even those of a higher rank... eradicate their corpses! Leave nothing behind! One of our enemies is Mephisto, the Duke of Mist. He can revive corpses, making us fight our most dangerous enemies twice! I need not remind you of how terrifying that fact is. Yamir out."
After Yamir closes his communication link, he snorts angrily. "How unfortunate that one of them got away. I can only assume you must be greatly enjoying this war, Mephisto. You will expand your power greatly at demonkind's expense."
He turns around and charges back into battle, summoning mana into his fists as he rejoins the other troopers in the defense of Hero City.
With humanity's Hero having inexplicably gone missing, the demons no longer hold anything back. Dozens and dozens of portals open up on Hero City's eastern border, forcing Elder Skarde to place multiple regiments of soldiers there. A large-scale battle opens up on the plains to the east, where very little cover exists to protect the demons who emerge.
With the smallest concentration of demons compared to the other three sides of Hero City, most of the soldiers summoned to the east find the battles aren't nearly as much of a life-and-death situation compared to those in the west or the south.
Even so, everyone takes their duties seriously. Waves of demon Grunts flow toward the city, with huge Brutes soaking up gunfire while the smaller and nimbler Scythers hide behind their brethren, the living walls of flesh.
Any demons who fall end up getting sucked into the ground, becoming undead fodder for Mephisto as he opens up two more gigantic Death Gates a few miles away. Higher ranked undead begin appearing, including another Frost Giant, but humanity manages to take down the most dangerous threats with teamwork and coordination.
Suddenly, from amidst the swarms of low-level demons, two blips of energetic mana appear on one of the scouts' scanners.
"We've got two Dukes incoming!" The scout yells. After a moment, he pauses. "Wait, no... they're Barons! I repeat, we have two Barons incoming! They're hiding among the low-ranked demons, but based on their bio-data... I think they're the Battle Brothers!"
Seconds after the scout makes that declaration, Zamiel and Duriel leap into the sky, riding atop a greathammer and greatsword, respectively.
"Not too many fleshies over here!" Zamiel cackles, as his magical hammer flies toward the humans' defensive line. "Let's get some revenge for earlier, little bro!"
"You said it!" Duriel replies, while expertly surfing through the air.
The human defenders quickly start to panic as they try to shoot down the incoming Barons, only for both Battle Brothers to summon a wall of weapons. They fling hundreds of swords and hammers, maces and axes, and all manner of other medieval weaponry toward the humans' defensive lines at half the speed of sound.
Crashes and screams erupt as fifty troopers perish to the Battle Brother's first onslaught. By the time the brothers make landfall, many troopers still haven't recovered from the initial attack.
"Juicy little fleshbags, ripe for the killing!" Zamiel yells. He grabs a warhammer off his back and runs forward, smashing it down with bone-crushing force. Every swing kills a human or a monster, ending the lives of kobolds and Terrans alike.
Likewise, Duriel's dual-wielded greatswords cleave even the sturdiest and most heavily armored Terrans in half, severing their spines and flinging their upper and lower torsos in opposite directions.
"This ain't half-bad!" Duriel laughs. "It's always fun to take a load off after a hard day of killin'!"
While the two brothers massacre the eastern defenders and their army pours through the rapidly widening gap, a terrible sensation of fear sweeps across all of the demons present. They halt in their tracks and look to the west, atop Hero City's cliff-edge.
There, posed majestically against the setting sun, the Monster King stands with both arms crossed, his conquerors' aura sweeping across the land.
"Hurgh! You evil bastards! How dare you lay a hand on my pet humans! Battle Bastards, face me if you dare! I am Kar, the last of the crocodiles! And today... I will exact my vengeance upon you!"
Kar's voice booms outward, projected via his vast mana reserves. His attention-grabbing appearance causes many of the demons to wet themselves in fear.
"Oh, skarn-droppings! It's the Monster King! He beat the crap out of Laharl, Mara, Beelzebub, Bael AND Artorias! What the hell, why is he here?!"
"We can't fight the Sphinx!" Another demon cries. "All we have are two Barons! Screw this, I'm outta here!"
Immediately, more than half of the attacking demons turn tail and flee, terrified by the appearance of the Monster King. Those who continue attacking only so so because they fear Ose more.
Meanwhile, Duriel and Zamiel merely glance in Kar's direction.
"Eh?" Zamiel grunts. "Well, well, well. If it ain't that one last croc. The one who got away!"
"Ha!" Duriel laughs. "I bet his blood'll taste better than all the others combined! After we kill him, we'll become tough as hell, bro!"
"Damn straight..." Zamiel mutters. His eyes flick to the left and right. "Of course, we ain't just gonna be facing the King. I bet you ten coins that fairy bitch'll be hangin' around nearby."
"Fine by me," Duriel grunts. He pounds his chest and roars at Kar. "Come here then, little croc! I already killed all the rest of your kind! I ain't afraid of you, not one bit!"
Kar gazes down upon the Battle Brothers from a mile away. He coils strength into his legs while grinning slyly.
"Oh, but you should, you murdering bastards. You should."
Kar leaps skyward, using his Emperor-level strength to pounce into the air like a reptilian eagle. He crosses the vast gap in a matter of seconds, while his grin only expands further.
"Hurgh! Today, you will PAY for your crimes! And I shall be your executioner!"
Next Part
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

Issue 237

I have acquired Ka-azar the Amazing issue, issue 237 to be exact, and it scares the shit out of me.
I'm a collector, you see, of rare comics. Well, not really a collector. I never keep them for very long, you see. I prefer to sell rare comics, and mundane comics, for a profit. I buy them from Goodwill, garage sales, estate sales, anywhere I can buy cheap and sell high. I'm in it for the profit, pure and simple, but today I may have found something I wasn't meant to own.
Briarcliff Estates was having an estate sale, and I knew there would be some interesting pieces there. Mr. Briar had died at the ripe old age of 103, and it was said to be a notorious packrat. His wife and son had died years ago, both under mysterious circumstances, and Briarcliff had gained an air of mystery ever since. It was said that his house was full of things, everything from antiques and collectibles to downright garbage, and I wanted to have a look.
The sale was even grander than I expected. There were halls cluttered with antique furniture, shelves full of old books, antique kitchen appliances, Persian rugs, strange art, and odd articles from around the world. All the trash had been cleared away, and all the items for sale had been tagged and were displayed. A large crowd had gathered, I saw, and I was more than a little interested in some of the books for my shop.
The auction seemed like a total waste of time, right up until the last lot. The antique furniture went first, then the old cars from the garage, then the rugs, the appliances, and the strange antiquities. Some of them were pretty grizzly; apparently, Mr. Briar had been a world traveler in his youth, and he had picked up things from Africa, Russia, Germany, and China with an eye towards the occult. I actually found myself bidding on a wand made of pure ivory, something my Harry Potter fans might pay a lot for, but a stuffy old man in the front row shelled out one hundred grand for it, and I sat down and shut up. He had long white hair and an imposing beard that hung down past the waist of his immaculate gray suit. He was a jarring comparison to the toad faced guy with all the dark hair oiled to his head on the other side of the hall, and they seemed to know each other. Know and hate each other. They had several hard looks for each other as they held long and complicated bidding wars, and their battles bled over into the books as well.
They snapped up most of the books, old moldering things with hard to pronounce, and my bids were mostly shouted over as these two dueled for the remaining tomes. Most everyone else had gone, seeing that these two meant to have the lot, so when the last lot came up, and it was a box of comics, I immediately threw out a bid of twenty-five dollars. I hadn't expected to see any comics here, my focus being the antique books, but this seemed to be the only thing that these two weirdos didn't want. The bid went once, twice, and then sold as the two glared at each other from across the room. I took my box of dusty old comics and scuttled off before either of them could realize I had been there.
I didn't realize what I had until I got home.
I took them to my office and set to work. First a shower, then a change of clothes, old comics can be finicky, and I like to be comfy when I appraise them. Then the gloves came on. I have a nice set of reusable ones, latex, washable, and thick, that usually serve my purposes. I put on a hairnet too, can't be too careful with old comics. After I was set, I opened the box and had a look.
I was not immediately impressed. Mr. Briar, it appeared, had a thing for old Hanna Barbara comics. There were some Yogi Bears issues, about ten Huckleberry Hound issues, some Tom and Jerry Comics, and a few Wacky Racer comics I had never even heard of. I set those aside. Hanna Barbara comics never retail very high unless you have some of the rarer pieces. They were all in bags, though, and looked to be in pretty good shape, so at least I could asking price for them. Next were some old Johnny Quest comics that looked well used, and they also went to the side. Next came some, oh shit, old Detectives Comics that looked like they were from the early 40's run, that were bagged and looked to be in great shape. I sat those on the desk by the computer. It looked like my purchases wouldn't be entirely in vain. There were some other things in there, some well-loved Action Comics, a few Batman issues from the late '60s, and a single issue of a comic series I had never heard of.
Sitting at the bottom of the box, in a plastic sleeve that looked to be caked with dust and...maybe soda, I guessed, was a copy of Ka-azar the Amazing, issue 237. I had never heard of Ka-azar the Amazing, and he appeared to be some sort of magician detective or something. I was also unfamiliar with Keystone Comics and decided to go do some research..
As I brought it over to the computer, though, I felt a strong urge to drop it and just walk away. The comic felt weird, even through the gloves, and the bag was tacky in a way that soda usually wasn't. I don't know how to describe it. It was like...like the comic didn't want to be held. I shrugged it off at the time, but I can feel it now, too, as it sits on the nightstand beside my computer.
It still doesn't want me to touch it.
I looked up Ka-azar and found out that it was part of a debut series from Keystone Comics. Ka-azar was, in fact, the only comic series they had ever put out, and it had a very limited run. Less than five hundred issues of each comic ever came out, and they were extremely rare and not often seen at auctions. Issue 237 was actually the last issue ever printed before Keystone Comics burned to the ground in nineteen seventy-five. The fire was supposedly investigated and ruled an accident, despite four people having perished in the blaze. Chuck Landstar, the owner, and writer of Ka-azar, his assistant, Mike Dreh, and the illustrators who worked on the comic, Jugg and Dale Treblow, had been killed in the fire. The series had never seen the light of day again. Apparently, this issue had less than the usual number of runs. Even in its kind of ratty state, it was worth well over a thousand dollars; Cha-Ching!
Twenty-five dollars for a thousand dollars seemed like a great deal to me, and who knew what kind of bidding war I'd get on this thing.
I gingerly removed it from the bag and threw it away as no customer would want it in that state. The comic itself was ragged, the spine bent, and some of the page corners damaged or missing. The pages themselves looked pretty good, old but good until I got to a spot near the back. Towards the end, Ka-azar appeared to be casting some kind of spell to summon some ancient deity. He stood in the middle of a circle, laid with etchings and stones and runes, and I could see quite a few bodies lying around as well. Some of them seemed intricate and embellished enough to make me think that these might be main characters he'd sacrifice, but I knew nothing of the series, so I could only speculate. There was a dark-haired woman in a slinky dress that barely contained her "assets", a blond guy with a loincloth and a skull helmet, what looked like a kid in a red cloak, and another less buxom redhead that seemed to have died holding hands with the kid in the cloak. They were all laid out around the circle, and their deaths did not seem to have been kind.
Ka-azar was kneeling, resplendent in his yellow and green robes, as he made his request before a towering form in a horned helm. Its eyes were coals beneath the visor, and its green armor was stained with ancient blood. It sat atop a bone-white horse, steam curling from its nostrils, as it brandished a sword at Ka-azar that looked big enough to cut him in half. Ka-azar was making a request, but the words had been smudged. That figure on the horse didn't sit right with me. Even through the page, I could feel his regard. It was like he was looking at me, judging me, weighing my worth.
I closed the comic.
No sense getting spooked by some old comic, I told myself with a laugh.
I took pictures next, showing some of the damage, and put it back in its protective bag. I uploaded the pictures to Comic Squire, the service I use to sell comics, and sat back to wait. I pulled some of the other comics I had piled up towards me and started looking them up so I could post them as well. One of the Detective Comics was worth about forty dollars, cool, and another was worth about thirty, excellent, and…
I heard a ding from my computer and looked up to see that Ka-azar had an opening bid of five hundred dollars.
I typed a message to the buyer, someone named Nilr3m, informing him that I was firm on eight hundred, and went back to my other comics.
Two of the Detective Comics were so much hamster cage lining, but I saved them aside so I could put them with a bulk lot. Two more were worth thirty dollars, and I had just started looking up the seventh when my computer dinged again. I looked up to see that the same buyer was offering eight hundred dollars, the price listed for it, and I nodded and turned back to my work. The bid would sit on the site for an hour, allowing others to bid if they wanted, but I figured that this guy would get it, and I'd be eight hundred dollars the richer.
I had barely gotten the seventh comic out of the bag when my computer dinged again.
A new bid had come in for a thousand dollars!
I checked the buyer, and this time it was a new user by the name of Morgul. He was also offering an extra fifty dollars to pay for overnight shipping. That made me raise my eyebrow, but I supposed he wanted to make sure it arrived undamaged. After all, this was a rare comic, and I sent him a message accepting his offer should he win.
I had barely sent the message when Nilrem3 came back with a twelve thousand dollar bid.
This went on for the next few hours, and as the bids went up, the bidders began to message me.
That's when it got bizarre.
From Morgol
Dearest Seller
The user Nilrem3 is trying to purchase your wares under false pretense. He is my rival and merely wants to own this comic, so I cannot. I implore you to award the sale to me and ship with all haste.
From Nilr3m
I must ask that you not sell this piece to Morgol. He wants it not for its scholarly endowment but for the power it will bring him. I must have this item so it can be sealed away from those who might use it for ill. Thank you.
I furrowed my brow at that one.
Sealed away from those who might use it for ill?
It was a damn comic book.
From Morgul
I see that you have not awarded me preference in this matter. Has Nilr3m offered you something more in return for this item? I assure you, I will match whatever offer he makes, no matter the cost.
That took me by surprise. These guys were clearly series collectors or weirdos, and they would likely pay big money for it. I didn't have to do anything. All I had to do was stay quiet and let these two drive the price up on their own. Simple economics, I had it, they wanted it, and suddenly this ratty comic was looking like a cash cow to me.
Even then, I hadn't realized the real value of the piece.
From Nilr3m
Please, I implore you not to be swayed by Morgol's boasting. If he gets that tome, it will be devastating for our world. I implore you to sell it to me. Money is no object, name your price, and I will pay it.
I sucked air through my teeth, my small pile of potential profits forgotten. This fellow had basically written me a blank check. How much would be too much? He had said money was no object, but there was always a limit. I looked back at the sale and realized that Nilr3m had just placed a bid for fifty thousand dollars. Morgol quickly countered with sixty, and the two went right on sparring as I watched. I pulled up Nimr3m's message again, and that was when I realized that his profile had a picture attached.
I clicked on it and realized that this guy was the same one from the auction today. His picture was of a grandfatherly looking man, long white hair, and a beard that was downright Gandalphesque. He was in profile in the picture, just his head, and shoulders, but I was willing to bet it was the same guy. This Morgal character was likely the other man, the one who'd looked like a toad and been afflicted with all that greasy black hair. They were just continuing their antics from the auction, and I was surprised they had any money left after all the crap they had bought earlier.
Another message from Nilr3m came in, and it had a link at the bottom to a news site.
From Nilr3m
This must end. Morgol must not be allowed to own this spell. See what it wrought last time it was unleashed upon the world.
The link brought up an article about Briarcliff Estates. Four bodies had been found on the ground nearly twenty years ago. They had been arrayed in the garden, the photos looking very similar to the ones in Ka-azar, minus the bodies. Those had been replaced with taped outlines, but their placement was undeniable. Briar's wife, teenage daughter, nephew, and brother had been killed in what appeared to be occult activity. Briar had immediately been the first and only suspect, but some combination of money and alibis given out of fear had cleared him. Still, his reputation in the community seemed to be well earned. Had Briar made a deal with that horned demon?
Had Briar possibly discovered something that had led him to fill his hallways with junk in an attempt to insulate himself from whatever might come for him?
I saw I had a message from Morgol, but his final offer was much less informative than Nilr3m's had been.
The link in his message was of a google maps location.
It was my address.
His last message was much less formal and much less pleasant than his others had been.
"I'm coming for what's mine. See you soon."
I've been sitting in my office, writing all this down for the past hour. I've locked the doors and called the police, but they don't seem to be taking this very seriously. The numbers on the bid haven't gone up in an hour, and even though Nilr3m had won, I'm afraid he's never going to get what he paid for. I can see someone moving in the yard outside my window, but when I try to call the police, it just rings and rings. I don't know what to do. I can almost feel this comic watching me even as whoever is outside keeps moving around out there.
The sun will be down before long.
I wonder if they'll find my body here or by some circle in a garden somewhere?
submitted by Erutious to nosleep [link] [comments]

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A 4 Number Fire Bet will hit 0.88% of the time, or 1 in 113 times. A 5 Number Fire Bet will occur 0.16% of the time, or once every 610 times. Lastly, a 6 Number Fire Bet will happen 0.0162% of the time, or once every 6,156 shooters. So if you bet $1 every single shooter, (theoretically), you would win the 6 point Fire Bet once every $6,156 bet. This may sound like a lot of money, but it is rare to collect on the fire bet. The fire bet has a large (make that enormous) house edge. Depending on the pay schedule it ranges from 20 to 25 percent. So what are the actual odds of winning the fire bet? Let’s take a look. About 59 percent of the time zero points will be made. CRAPS FIRE BET ODDS. You will win at craps by using the fire bets slightly more than 1 percent of the time. There are several pay tables available, but the most commonly used are: 24-1 on four numbers made; 249-1 on five numbers and 999-1 on five numbers. Alternative rules and bets such as the Fire Bet, Crapless Craps, and Card Craps. California craps. How craps is played in California using playing cards. Play Craps. Craps game using cards at the Viejas casino in San Diego. Number of Rolls Table. Probability of a shooter lasting 1 to 200 rolls before a seven-out. Ask the Wizard. Consequently, the odds bet has a house edge of 0%. Overall, the pass line bet is definitely one of the best bets on the craps table with a house edge of 1.41%. In addition, adding odds onto this wager is without a doubt the best way to extend your gambling bankroll. Once the fourth point has been made, the player will win 24:1 odds. If the fifth point is made, then the payout increases to 249:1 and finally when the last and sixth point number has been made by the shooter, the player will win the entire fire bet and a 999:1 payout. That means $1000 on a single $1 bet. The Fire bet is relatively new to craps. Not all casinos offer this bet…yet. I say, “yet,” because I’m sure they’ll all jump on board once they realize the profit they can make from this sucker bet. It’s a terrible bet for the player because the house advantage against making 6 unique point numbers is more than 20%. New craps Fire Bet emerging in Las Vegas Perry Staci, a Las Vegas casino supervisor, has invented a new proposition bet forcraps players that is already being promoted at Harrah’s, the Sahara, and the Rio.Rumor has it that it will also soon be on the layout at The Cannery on the Northside of Vegas. Fire Bet Introduction. The Fire Bet is a popular side bet in craps that pays based on the number of unique points established and won by the shooter. I am aware of three pay tables, as follows. The house edge of each is in the bottom row of the table. Pay Table 1 is the most common. Pays are indicated on a "to one" basis. A negative one Odds of winning fire bet craps Posted on May 20, 2014 by bustmettkeslackbestpartfor Bureaux de tabac dans l’ain – pages jaunes bureaux de tabac dans l’ain 01 : trouver les numéros de téléphone et bureau de tabac – presse – loto – pmu – mondial relay – paiement le village 01410 lelex plan itinéraire afficher le numéro 04 50

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